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National Information Centres

Təhsildə Keyfiyyət Təminatı Agentliyi
Education Quality Assurance Agency

2B, Gara Garayev avenue, 
Baku, Azerbaijan

Phone: +99412 5991155
Head of Centre: Mr.Elnur Khalilov, Head of the Foreign Qualifications Recognition Department

Azərbaycan Respublikası Elm və Təhsil Nazirliyi
The Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan is the central executive body that participates in the development and ensures the implementation of the state education policy, ensuring state control in the field of education and the quality of education.

Link(s): Azerbaijani, English, Russian

The education system in Azerbaijan consists of the following levels:

Pre-school education (ages 3-5).

General education:
Primary education (grades 1–4, ages 6–9);
Basic education (grades 5–9, ages 10-14);
Secondary education (grades 10–11, ages 15-16).

VET education:
Initial vocational education (1–3 years of study);
Secondary vocational (specialised) education (2–4 years of study).

Higher education:
I cycle: Bachelor degree study (4 years of study);
II cycle: Master's programme (2 years of study); and,
III cycle: Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science (3 years of study).

Additional education.
Individuals can access qualifications at the next level only after completing qualifications at the prior level.

Individuals can access qualifications (in general, VET and higher education levels) at the next level only after complete qualifications at the prior level. In addition to the requirement of completing qualifications at the prior level, there is also a requirement of passing entrance examinations carried out by the State Examination Committee to progress to the Secondary specialised education, Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

Higher education in Azerbaijan is divided into three levels:

First level (Bachelor Studies);
Second level (Master Studies);
Third level (PhD Studies).

First level of studies includes Bachelor Studies – last for 4-5 years, carrying 240 to 300 ECTS (300-360 credits at medical education).

Second level of studies includes Master Studies – lasting for 1.5-2 years and carrying 90 to 120 ECTS.

Third level of studies includes doctoral studies that are carried out in two programs: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Sciences. Doctoral studies are carried out full-time (leaving employment) and part-time (without leaving employment). Full-time education under the Doctor of Philosophy program lasts 3 years, part-time 4 years and through dissertation research 4 years. Full-time education under the Doctor of Sciences program lasts 4 years, part-time 5 years and through dissertation research 5 years.

Higher education institutions organize and implement study programmes within an academic year commencing, as a rule, on 15 September and lasting 12 calendar months.
Institutions can decide which approach they will take to educating their students, can choose the precise contents of their curricula and create academic plans for each area of study.

Link(s): Azerbaijani, English, Russian


Azerbaijan's National Qualifications Framework

National Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning of the Republic of Azerbaijan (adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers Decree No.311 dated 18 July 2018) is a tool for systematizing national qualifications, developed for all citizens - learners, education providers and employers and serves to facilitate the comparability between national and international qualifications.

As yet, there is no system-wide implementation. Different projects have contributed to pilots and studies, and currently projects are underway or expected to be launched which will be able to move developments forward in a more systematic way.

NQF Decree proposes a NQF as a quality assurance tool for qualifications. The Decree contains general provisions, the objectives of the AzQF, AzQF level descriptors, responsibilities of institutions, quality assurance arrangements, a table with the level descriptors, a glossary, and a list of acts, decrees and regulations used to develop qualifications framework. It builds on the Law of Education (2009), as well as on principles derived from the QF-EHEA and the EQF.

The Azerbaijan Qualification Framework (AzOF) has eight levels, whereas level 1 is the lowest and level 8 is the highest. AzOF imparts qualifications starting from primary education to doctoral studies.

Level 1 covers outcomes of basic education, level 2 outcomes of lower secondary, etc. Level eight covers outcomes of PhD and Doctor of Sciences Degrees in line with international practice. VET qualifications cover Level 3 and level 4 (initial VET) and level 5 (higher VET). All qualifications from level 3-7 with a labour market orientation will be based on occupational standards. Occupational standards will be adapted to NQF levels. NQF level descriptors have three domains: Knowledge and Understanding, Skills, Autonomy and Responsibility. Key competences are integrated.

The AzQF level descriptors are compatible with the corresponding EQF level descriptors.

Link(s): Azerbaijani, English


National Qualifications Framework
The National Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a tool for systematization of national qualifications, developed for all learners, educators and employers, and serves to ensure that national qualifications are consistent with international qualifications.

Link(s): Azerbaijani

Quality assurance at the national level in Azerbaijan is regulated by educational standards covering internal quality arrangements, whereas external quality arrangements are regulated by the Law on Education, the Rules for accreditation of educational institutions approved by Executive Order #167 of the Cabinet of Ministers as of 28 September 2010 and other normative documents. Quality assurance at college level is also regulated by the Requirements and Criteria for Organisation of attestation and accreditation of higher and secondary specialised education institutions approved by Decree No 187 of the Minister of Education on 24 March 2005.

According to the Rules for accreditation of educational institutions, the accreditation of an education establishment is carried out in order to specify the conformity of the organisation of education process, material and technical basis of the establishment, curricula, personnel potential, financial resources and educational infrastructure to the requirements of state education standards and other normative-legal acts.
Moreover, the Rules establish a legal basis for determining the status of an educational institution and a legal guarantee for an extension of its activity for the next 5 years (3 years for educational institutions established by foreigners and/or persons without citizenship and foreign legal entities). The accreditation of an educational institution is implemented and the requirements and criteria for the implementation of accreditation are specified by MoE (starting from 2016, by Education Quality Assurance Agency).

In accordance with the Rules for accreditation, an educational institution submits a self-assessment report to MoE at least a month before the accreditation process. The report on self-assessment results includes an organisational and legal provision of the education activity; management of the education establishment; the content and the structure of preparedness on education programmes – assessment of the organisation of the training process; quality of the preparedness on education programmes; staffing; scientific-research activity; international co-operation; a material and technical base; social condition; and financial provision.

An accreditation of education providers under the auspices of MoE opens possibility for a self-evaluation. According to the European Co-operation for Accreditation, accreditation is an impartial and objective process carried out by third parties.

Link(s): Azerbaijani, English, Russian

“Regulations on the recognition and determination of equivalence of foreign higher education specialties” approved by the Decision No. 64, dated 13.05.2003 of the executive order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan govern the procedures for the recognition of foreign higher education qualifications.

The Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan is the institution that issues the certificate of recognition.

Link(s): Azerbaijani, English, Russian

Responsible organisation

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Azerbaijan started the reform of its higher education system by joining the Bologna Process in 2005, followed by the adoption of the new Law on Education in 2009. This law formally introduced the European Credit Transfer System, three-cycle system of study and diploma supplement.

The diploma supplement is issued automatically to all students who receive Bachelor or Master`s degree. The student receives a diploma supplement, which contains information regarding the level, type and content of the studies successfully finished.

Diploma Supplement is signed by the rector and dean of faculty of a higher education institution.

Diploma Supplement is issued in Azerbaijani language. However, upon written application of the graduate it can be issued in English.

At present, the work on elaboration of new Diploma Supplement which complies with EU/Council of Europe/UNESCO format is coming to an end.

Link(s): Azerbaijani, English

Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET)

IVET in Azerbaijan is a formal education system available to students after general education; this gives entrance to the world of industry and work. After year 9 of schooling, students can choose to proceed by either completing general secondary education or starting vocational education. The period of study at vocational institutions lasts about three years, depending on the programme. IVET is part of the continuing education system and operates in two forms: vocational schools and vocational lyceums.
There are 110 formal vocational education institutions in Azerbaijan (2018 data); of these, one is private, 109 are public. In total, these have approximately 22533 students studying over 186 different occupations. There are approximately 5500 educators in the VET system. 

Secondary specialised education
Post-secondary vocational education is offered in colleges; this is completed with a sub-bachelor specialist degree (comparable to level 5 of the European Qualifications Framework, post-secondary VET or short-cycle higher education).
Diploma on the post-secondary vocational education gives the right of admission to institutions of higher education and is the basis for higher education at the next educational level.

Link(s): Azerbaijani, English, Russian

Recognised higher education institutions
Accredited and Recognised higher education institutions list

Link(s): English, Russian
Checking of recognized foreign higher education qualification
Checking of recognized foreign higher education qualifications