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National Information Centres

Национален център за информация и документация (НАЦИД)
National Center for Academic Recognition and Mobility

National Centre for Information and Documentation (NACID)
52a "D-r G.M.Dimitrov" Blvd.
1125 Sofia, BULGARIA

Phone: +359-2-817-38-24
Fax: +359-2-971-31-20
Head of Centre: Ms. Vanya Grashkina, Executive Director, NACID

Министерство на образованието и науката
Ministry of Education and Science

Link(s): Bulgarian, English
Национална агенция за оценяване и акредитация

National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency
The National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency is a statutory body for evaluation, accreditation and monitoring of the quality in higher education institutions and scientific organizations aiming at the enhancement of their teaching and research, as well as of their development as scientific, cultural, and innovative organizations.
(Accredited higher education institutions; Accredited professional fields and majors from the regulated professions; Accredited doctoral programmes).

Link(s): Bulgarian, English
Център за развитие на човешките ресурси
Human Resource Development Centre
Human Resource Development Centre is nominated by the National Authorities and the European Commission as the Bulgarian Erasmus+ National Agency.
Human Resource Development Centre
Address: 1000 Sofia, 15 Graf Ignatiev Str., 3rd floor
Phone: 02/9155010
Fax: 02/9155049

Link(s): Bulgarian, English
Национална агенция за професионално образование и обучение
National Agency for Vocational Education and Training
The National Agency for Vocational Education and Training ensures public access of individuals and businesses to the information related to the licensed vocational training centres – CVT and the Centres for information and vocational guidance – CIVG, as well as greater transparency of the licensing procedures, the training process and the issued documents.
Address: 125 Tzarigradsko schosse Blvd, block 5, fl. 5, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: ++3592 9712070
Fax:   ++3592 9733358

Link(s): Bulgarian, English
Център за оценяване в предучилищното и училищното образование
Center for evaluation in the pre-school and school education
1113 София
бул. “Цариградско шосе” 125 бл. 5
тел.: +359 2 970 56 11
факс: + 359 2 870 20 62

Link(s): Bulgarian

The Education System in Bulgaria
Overview and structure of the National Education System.

Link(s): English, Bulgarian

The Education System in Bulgaria. Higher education.
Types of Higher Education Institutions and programmes.

Link(s): English
Рейтингова система на висшите училища в България
Bulgarian University Ranking System - provides ranking of the higher education institutions in Bulgaria for 2019.
Compare 51 universities, which offer education in hundreds of majors that have been grouped into 52 professional fields.

Link(s): English, Bulgarian
International dimension of the higher education
International dimension of the higher education: ERASMUS+ MASTER DEGREE LOANS, Erasmus Mundus Masters Courses (EMMCs); Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs); Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorates (EMJDs); Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. (Human Resources Development Center)

Link(s): English
Student loans - National Centre for Information and Documentation
Student loans: legislation, terms and conditions, steps for applying. (National Centre for Information and Documentation)

Link(s): Bulgarian

National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency
National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency: List of accredited institutions and programs

Link(s): English, Bulgarian
National Centre for Information and Documentation
National Centre for Information and Documentation: List of accredited institutions and programs

Link(s): English, Bulgarian


National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency
National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency

Link(s): Bulgarian, English


Национална агенция за оценяване и акредитация (НАОА)

National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA) is the national statutory body for evaluation, accreditation and monitoring of the quality in higher education institutions.

Link(s): English, Bulgarian

Recognition of higher education acquired in foreign universities

Bulgarian ENIC-NARIC centre. Academic recognition procedure. Regulatory framework. Applications for academic recognition. Required documents. Certification and Legalization. Certificates.

Link(s): Bulgarian, English
National Centre for Information and Documentation (NACID)
Integrated Information system for Academic Recognition. Public access to the following Registers: Public Registry of the positive decisions/ issued certificates; Public Registry of negative decisions/ refusals; Public Registry of invalidated certificates for academic recognition; Public Registry of recognition decisions of Bulgarian HEI’s.Restricted access for applicants, who hold foreign HE qualifications and wish to submit/ have submitted application for academic recognition.

Link(s): Bulgarian
Recognition of vocational qualifications. Regulated professions in Bulgaria. Certification of Bulgarian vocational qualifications in non-regulated professions.
Regulatory Organisation. Vocational Recognition Procedure. Regulated Professions. Information System of the Internal Market (IMI). Certification of Bulgarian vocational qualifications, professional experience and penalties in non-regulated professions in terms of Directive 2005/36/EO.

In recognition of vocational qualifications and regulated professions NACID undertakes the following functions

• Contact point under article 57 of Directive 2005/36/ЕC for recognition of professional qualifications.
• Maintain current status of the list of regulated professions in Bulgaria.
• Delegated coordinator under Directive 2005/36/EC for recognition of professional qualifications within the information system of the internal market (IMIs).
• Competent authority for issuing certificates of acquired professional qualifications in non-regulated professions on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria required for access to or for pursuit of regulated profession on the territory of another country

Link(s): English, Bulgarian

Responsible organisation

Министерство на образованието и науката
Ministry of Education and Science
Higher Education DirectorateMinistry of Education and Science
2a, Kniaz Dondukov Bld.
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 2 92 17 643
Fax: +359 2 92 17 656

Link(s): Bulgarian

Additional information:
Starting in 2005, all graduates receive the Diploma Supplement in both Bulgarian and English. The format corresponds fully to that recommended by UNESCO and the Council of Europe.

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Process of Implementation of the Diploma Supplement
The Diploma Supplement is defined as an official document in the higher education system of Bulgaria and follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. It is introduced in the Ordinance for the state requirements for the contents of the basic documents, issued by the higher schools. Prom. SG. 75/27 August 2004, amend. SG. 10/ 6 February 2009. Full text of the ordinance in Bulgarian - in the site of the Ministry of education and science and in the site of National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency.

Link(s): Bulgarian, Bulgarian, English
Chart of national higher education structure
Not available on-line, but published in the secondary legislation documents.

Any valid Bulgarian state recognised diploma for secondary education grants full access to HE in all field of study. Еach HEI autonomously organises the application and admittance in accordance to national legislation and its internal regulations within the state approved quota of the accreditation granted by NEAA.


Structure of The Education System in Bulgaria
Structure of The Education System in Bulgaria

Link(s): English, Bulgarian
Национална агенция за професионално образование и обучение

The National Agency for Vocational Education and Training is a specialized body to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria established with the Law for the Vocational Education and Training in 2000.
Legal regulations in the vocational education and training area, opportunities for vocational training, European and national documents, international projects. Register of licensed CVT and CIVG as well as of the candidate centres – the register is published on the website and is updated regularly after each change.

Link(s): English, Bulgarian

Ministry of Education and Science
Register of documents for completed primary education, secondary education and / or acquired degree of professional qualification

Link(s): English, Bulgarian
National Centre for Information and Documentation
Register of all active, interrupted and graduated students and doctoral students

Link(s): English, Bulgarian
National Centre for Information and Documentation
Apostille on Bulgarian Educational Documents

Link(s): English, Bulgarian
National Centre for Information and Documentation
Register of academic staff

Link(s): English, Bulgarian
Information System on Pre-Bologna Academic Qualifications EU-funded project with Bulgaria (coordinator), Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Polands, Romania and Armenia – ISOBAQ [pre-Bologna Higher Education qualifications- samples]

Our collection of pre-Bologna HE qualifications, containing hard-to-be-found information on the subject, including with samples of pre-Bologna degrees by country and periods as well as their description of requisites, entry requirements and access to further studies etc. It was initiated by our centre and successfully finished in 2018 within the project ISOBAQ in consortium with 7 more ENIC-NARIC countries. The project was co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The ISOBAQ information system contains detailed description of the national pre – Bologna higher education system, detailed list of our pre – Bologna HEIs with their former and current names as well as samples of the pre-Bologna diplomas, issued at that time. The access is password restricted to ENIC-NARIC centres only, and we have provided passwords to all partner ENIC-NARIC centres at the end of the project.

Link(s): English