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Bosnia and Herzegovina

National Information Centres

Centar za informisanje/informiranje i priznavanje dokumenata iz oblasti/područja visokog obrazovanja, Центар за информисање и признавање докумената из области високог образованја
Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education

Sektor za informiranje, saradnju/suradnju i priznavanje dokumenata
Сектор за информисање, сарадњу и признавање докумената
Sector for Information, Cooperation and Recognition of Documents
Kneza Višeslava bb/Кнеза вишеслава бб
88000 Mostar/Мостар
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Phone: +387 36 333 980
Fax: +387 36 333 991
Head of Centre: Dženan Omanović

Ministarstvo civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine/Министарство цивилних послова Босне и херцеговине
Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Link(s): English
Centar za informisanje/informiranje i priznavanje dokumenata iz oblasti/područja visokog obrazovanja/Центар за информисање и признавање докумената из области високог образовања
Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education

Link(s): BHS/English
Agencija za razvoj visokog obrazovanja i osiguranje kvaliteta/kvalitete/Агенција за развој високог образовања и обезбјеђивање квалитета
Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance

Link(s): BHS/English

Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Link(s): English

Main information - Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Link(s): Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, English


Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina is still developing. There are two main documents which were adopted, Decision on Adoption of the Baseline of Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of BiH, No. 31/11, 39/12) and Decision on Adoption of the Action Plan for the Establishment and Implementation of the Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Period 2014-2020 (Official Gazette of BiH, No. 28/15)

Link(s): BHS/English


Bosnia and Herzegovina: Referencing to the EQF and self-certification to the QF-EHEA - State of Play

Link(s): English

Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance
The Agency's competences are defined in the Article 48, 49 and 50 of the Framework Law and concern the quality assurance in higher education

Link(s): BHS/English

For information, please contact the Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education

Link(s): English

Responsible organisation

Agencija za razvoj visokog obrazovanja i osiguranje kvaliteta/kvalitete/Агенција за развој високог образовања и обезбјеђивање квалитета/Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance

Link(s): BHS

Additional information:

The Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance issued in 2023 the Amendment of Instruction on the Form and Content of Diploma and Diploma Supplement Issued by Accredited Higher Education Institutions (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 39/23). This Instruction is obliged for all competent education authorities and accredited higher education institutions to create of acts in this area.

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Instruction on the Form and Content of Diploma and Diploma Supplement Issued by Accredited Higher Education Institutions

Link(s): BHS

Bosnia and Herzegovina has got 12 competent educational authorities and every of them is responsible to arrange this topic within its administrative boundaries. According to the Article 7 of the Framework Law on Higher Education in BiH (Official Gazette of BiH, No.59/07, 59/09) adopted in 2007, it was stipulated that all those who had completed four-year secondary education in Bosnia and Herzegovina have access to the higher education have.

Agencija za predškolsko osnovno i srednje obrazovanje - Područna jedinica Banja Luka/Агенција за предшколско, основно и средње образовање - Подручна јединица Бања Лука/Agency for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary Education - Administration Unit Banja Luka

Link(s): English

Тhere are not special procedures for the recognition of qualifications held by persons with insufficient documentation or without documentation. However, the Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education, as the ENIC BiH, in accordance with its competences, issued "Recommendations on the Recognition of Foreign Higher Education Qualifications in Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Persons with Insufficient Documentation or without Documentation" (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina, No. 81/14) in 2014. These recommendations are completely based on the European documents that is the Lisbon Recognition Convention, its subsidiary documents and the EAR Manual.

Link(s): English

Verification in Bosnia and Herzegovina
In order to check the authenticity of the attached qualification, higher education institutions can be contacted. The list of accredited institutions is available at the following link: Additionally, the request can be sent to the ENIC BiH at the following email: 

Link(s): English