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North Macedonia

National Information Centres

Informativen Centar - Ministerstvo za Obrazovanie i Nauka
Informative Center - Ministry of Education and Science

Sts. Cyril and Methodius str. 54
MK-1000 Skopje,

Head of Centre: Mrs. Elena Nedelkovska

Informativen Centar
Information Centre

Link(s): Macedonian
Ministry of education and science

Link(s): English

University education in the Republic of Macedonia

Recognised higher education institutions in the Republic of Macedonia

Public Higher Education Institutions
Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ Скопје
Sts. Cyril and Methodius University - Skopje
Универзитет „Св. Климент Охридски“ Битола
St. Clemente of Ohrid University - Bitola
Универзитет во Тетово
University of Tetova
Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ Штип
Gotse Delchev University - Shtip
Универзитет за информатички науки и технологии „Св. Апостол Павле“ Охрид
St. Paul The Apostle University of Information Science and Technology - Ohrid
Универзитет „Мајка Тереза“ Скопје
Mother Theresa University - Skopje
Private-public Non-profit Higher Education Institutions
Универзитет на Југоисточна Европа – Тетово
South East European University - Tetovo
Private Higher Education Institutions
Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Skopje
Меѓународен Универзитет Визион – Гостивар
International Vision University - Gostivar
Универзитет Американ колеџ – Скопје 
University American College - Skopje
Европски универзитет Република Македонија – Скопје
European University Republic of Macedonia - Skopje
Универзитет ФОН − Скопје
FON University - Skopje
Меѓународен Балкански Универзитет – Скопје
International Balkan University - Skopje
Универзитет за туризам и менаџмент – Скопје
University of Tourism and Management - Skopje
Универзитет за аудиовизуелни уметности, европска филмска, театарска и танцова академија -ЕФТА Скопје
University of Audiovisual Arts, European Film Academy, ESRA Paris - Skopje - New York
Универзитет „Евробалкан“ – Скопје
Eurobalkan University- Skopje
Меѓународен универзитет во Струга
Intenational of University of Struga
МИТ универзитет – Скопје
MIT University - Skopje
Меѓународен Славјански Универзитет „Г.Р. Державин“ − Свети Николе
International Slavic University Gavrilo Romanovich Derzhavin - Sveti Nikole
Приватна високообразовна установа - висока стручна школа „Факултет за бизнис економија“–Скопје
Business Economy High Professional School - Skopje
Приватна високообразовна установа „Бизнис академија Смилевски - БАС – Скопје
High Professional School Business Academy Smilevski - Skopje
Приватна високообразовна професионална установа за Бизнис студии „Еуроколеџ“ – Куманово
Business High Professional School Eurocollege - Kumanovo
Приватна висока стручна школа за новинарство и односи со јавност – Скопје
High Professional School of Journalism and Public Relation


Macedonian Qualifications Framework

Link(s): English
Tabular presentation of the Levels of Higher Education Qualifications according to the Macedonian Qualification Framework
Table 23: Tabular presentation of level VA (short cycle) studies

Entry requirements
- Person that is awarded with IV level certificate and has passed the state leaving exam or the international leaving exam may enroll. The enrollment is on the basis of a public announcement published by the higher education institution. The procedure and criteria for selection of candidates ensure equal access for all candidates regardless of race, color, gender, language, religion, political or other belief, ethnic, national or social and financial status, birth, disability, sexual orientation and age.

Education and training
- Lasts one or two years and 60 or 120 ECTS credits are acquired by its completion. The study programmes are developed according to the ESG. For all study years, they should consist of compulsory and elective subjects. The study programmes are adopted by the Senate of the university upon proposal of the academic-scientific Council. They have to be accredited by the HEAE and to possess work permission from the Minister of Education and Science.

- For the study programmes performed by the public higher education institutions the financing is provided from the National Budget. The founder of the private Higher Education Institution provides financing of the study programmes.

Teachers qualifications
- Holder of PhD degree in respected scientific area in which he/she is to be elected for, has respective research achievements, has competence in carrying out particular types of higher education activity, and has a positive assessment of the self-evaluation, and elected as higher education lecturer.

Expected learning outcomes
- Study programmes are learning outcomes based.

Assessment and awards
- The studies are completed by taking all activities in accordance with the study programme. Examination of the knowledge and understanding, skills and competence is made in order to assess whether and to what extent the acquired qualifications of the student correspond to the aims, competence and academic requirements prescribed by the generic and specific qualification descriptors that determine the learning outcomes of particular study programme. The types of knowledge examination, projects, practical exams etc., should reflect the aims of the subject and of the study programme and enable individual assessment of student achievements. The form and content of the assessment should reflect the contents and the working methods of the subject and the study programme. After completing the study programme requirements the candidate is awarded a credential (uverenie).

Progression routes
- Holders of VA level certificate can enter into the first cycle study programmes.

Labour Market
- Yes. The studies provide knowledge and understanding, skills and competence that enable carrying out specialized professions and qualify for direct involvement into the working process.

Quality assurance
·  Institutional and Study Programme Accreditation and Re-accreditation
·  Self-evaluation process
·  External evaluation
·  University ranking
·  State plagiarism system
·  Board for trust and cooperation with the public.
Table 24: Tabular presentation of level VIB (first cycle) studies

Entry requirements
- Person that is awarded IV level certificate and has passed the state leaving exam or the international leaving exam. The enrollment is on the basis of a public announcement published by the higher education institution. The procedure and criteria for selection of candidates ensure equal access for all candidates regardless of race, color, gender, language, religion, political or other belief, ethnic, national or social and financial status, birth, disability, sexual orientation and age.

Education and training
- Lasts three years and 180 ECTS credits are acquired by its completion. The study programmes are developed according to the ESG. The programmes in all study years consist of 60% compulsory subjects, 30% elective subjects and 10% free subjects from a university pre-defined list. Subjects in entrepreneurship and innovations are obligatorily included in the 10% of free subjects. The list of free elective subjects is publicly announced. The study programmes are adopted by the Senate of the university upon proposal of the academic-scientific Council. They have to be accredited by the HEAE and to possess work permission from the Minister of Education and Science.

- The study programmes performed by the public higher education institutions are financed from the National Budget. The founder of the private Higher Education Institution provides financing of the study programmes.

Teachers qualifications
- Holder of PhD degree in respected scientific area in which he/she is to be elected for, has respective research achievements, has competence in carrying out particular types of higher education activity, and has a positive assessment of the self-evaluation, and elected as higher education lecturer.

Expected learning outcomes
- Study programmes are learning outcomes based.

Assessment and awards
- The studies are completed by taking all activities in accordance with the study programme. Examination of the knowledge and understanding, skills and competence is made in order to assess whether and to what extent the acquired qualifications of the student correspond to the aims, competence and academic requirements prescribed by the generic and specific qualification descriptors that determine the learning outcomes of particular study programme. The types of knowledge examination, projects, practical exams etc., should reflect the aims of the subject and of the study programme and enable individual assessment of student achievements. The form and content of the assessment should reflect the contents and the working methods of the subject and the study programme. After completing the study programme requirements the candidate is awarded with a Bachelor Diploma (диплома) and Diploma Supplement.

Progression routes
- Holders of VIB level bachelor diploma can enter into the second cycle study programme.

Labour Market
- Yes. The studies qualify the graduates to carry out activities in the respected field of science and higher education, the business world, the public sector and the society at large through applying their scientific and professional competence.

Quality assurance
·  Institutional and Study Programme Accreditation and Re-accreditation
·  Self-evaluation process
·  External evaluation
·  University ranking
·  State plagiarism system
·  Board for Trust and Cooperation with the Public.
Table 25: Tabular presentation of level VIA (first cycle) studies

Entry requirements
- Person that has gained IV level certificate and passed the state leaving exam or international leaving exam. The enrollment is on the basis of a public announcement published by the higher education institution. The procedure and criterions for selection of candidates for admission in the manner that guarantees the quality of all candidates regardless of race, color, gender, language, religion, political or other belief, ethnic, national or social origin, wealth, birth, social status, disability, sexual orientation and age is determined by the higher education institution.

Education and training
- The studies last four years and 240 ECTS credits are acquired. The study programmes are developed according to the ESG. The programmes in all study years contain of 60% compulsory subjects, 30% elective subjects and 10% free subjects from a university pre-defined list. Subjects in entrepreneurship and innovations are obligatorily included in the 10% of free subjects. The list of free elective subjects is publicly announced. The study programmes are adopted by the Senate of the university upon proposal of the academic-scientific Council. They have to be accredited by the HEAE and to possess work permission from the Minister of Education and Science.

- For the study programmes performed by the public higher education institutions the financing is provided from the National Budget. The founder of the private Higher Education Institution provides financing of the study programmes.

Teachers qualifications
- Holder of PhD degree in respected scientific area in which he/she is to be elected for, has respective research achievements, has competence in carrying out particular types of higher education activity, and has a positive assessment of the self-evaluation, and elected as higher education lecturer.

Expected learning outcomes
- Study programmes are learning outcomes based.

Assessment and awards
- The studies are completed by taking all activities in accordance with the study programme. Examination of the knowledge and understanding, skills and competence is made in order to assess whether and to what extent the acquired qualifications of the student correspond to the aims, competence and academic requirements prescribed by the generic and specific qualification descriptors that determine the learning outcomes of particular study programme. The types of knowledge examination, projects, practical exams etc. should reflect the aims of the subject and of the study programme and enable individual assessment of student achievements. The form and content of the assessment should reflect the contents and the working methods of the subject and the study programme. After completing the study programme requirements the candidate is awarded with a Bachelor Diploma (диплома) and Diploma Supplement.

Progression routes
- Holders of VIA level bachelor diploma can enter into second cycle study programme.

Labour Market
- Yes. The studies qualify the graduates to carry out activities in the respective field of science and higher education, the business world, the public sector and the society at large through applying their scientific and professional competence.

Quality assurance
·  Institutional and Study Programme Accreditation and Re-accreditation
·  Self-evaluation process
·  External evaluation
·  University ranking
·  State plagiarism system
·  Board for trust and cooperation with the public.

Table 26: Tabular presentation of level VIIB (second cycle professional) studies

Entry requirements
- Holders of VI level bachelor diploma and fulfilled university entry requirements. The enrollment is on the basis of a public announcement published by the higher education institution. Students with special needs can enroll at level VIIB studies.

Education and training
- The studies last one year and 60 ECTS credits are acquired. The study programmes are developed according to the ESG. The programmes in all study years contain of 60% compulsory subjects, 30% elective subjects and 10% free subjects from a university pre-defined list. Subjects in entrepreneurship and innovations are obligatorily included in the 10% of free subjects. The list of free elective subjects is publicly announced. The study programmes are adopted by the Senate of the university upon proposal of the academic-scientific Council. They have to be accredited by the HEAE and to possess work permission from the Minister of Education and Science.

- For the study programmes performed by the public higher education institutions the financing is provided from the National Budget. The founder of the private Higher Education Institution provides financing of the study programmes.

Teachers qualifications
- Holder of PhD degree in respected scientific area in which he/she is to be elected for, has respective research achievements, has competence in carrying out particular types of higher education activity, and has a positive assessment of the self-evaluation, and elected as higher education lecturer.

Expected learning outcomes
- Study programmes are learning outcomes based.
Assessment and awards
-The studies are completed by taking all activities in accordance with the study programme. Examination of the knowledge and understanding, skills and competence is made in order to assess whether and to what extent the acquired qualifications of the student correspond to the aims, competence and academic requirements prescribed by the generic and specific qualification descriptors that determine the learning outcomes of particular study programme. The types of knowledge examination, projects, practical exams etc. should reflect the aims of the subject and of the study programme and enable individual assessment of student achievements. The form and content of the assessment should reflect the contents and the working methods of the subject and the study programme. After completing the study programme requirements the candidate is awarded with a Specialist Diploma (диплома за специјалист) and Diploma Supplement.

Progression routes
- No direct vertical progression route. Possibility for progression exists upon passing specially tailored additional activities.

Labour Market
- Yes. The professional (specialistic) studies provide the graduates with knowledge and understanding, skills and competence that enable them to carry out specialized professions and qualify them for direct involvement into the working process.

Quality assurance
·  Institutional and Study Programme Accreditation and Re-accreditation
·  Self-evaluation process
·  External evaluation
·  University ranking
·  State plagiarism system
·  Board for trust and cooperation with the public.

Table 27: Tabular presentation of level VIIA (second cycle academic) studies

Entry requirements
Holders of VI level bachelor diploma and fulfilled university entry requirements. The enrolment is on the basis of a public announcement published by the higher education institution. Students with special needs can enroll at level VIIA studies.

Education and training
- The studies last one or two years and 60 or 120 ECTS credits are acquired by completion of the requirements of the study programme. The study programmes are developed according to the ESG. The programmes in all study years contain of 60% compulsory subjects, 30% elective subjects and 10% free subjects from a university pre-defined list. Subjects in entrepreneurship and innovations are obligatorily included in the 10% of free subjects. The list of free elective subjects is publicly announced. The study programmes are adopted by the Senate of the university upon proposal of the academic-scientific Council. They have to be accredited by the HEAE and to possess work permission from the Minister of Education and Science.

- For the study programmes performed by the public higher education institutions the financing is provided from the National Budget. The founder of the private Higher Education Institution provides financing of the study programmes.

Teachers qualifications
-Holder of PhD degree in respected scientific area in which he/she is to be elected for, has respective research achievements, has competence in carrying out particular types of higher education activity, and has a positive assessment of the self-evaluation, and elected as higher education lecturer.

Expected learning outcomes
- Study programmes are learning outcomes based.

Assessment and awards
- The studies are completed by taking all activities in accordance with the study programme. Examination of the knowledge and understanding, skills and competence is made in order to assess whether and to what extent the acquired qualifications of the student correspond to the aims, competence and academic requirements prescribed by the generic and specific qualification descriptors that determine the learning outcomes of particular study programme. The types of knowledge examination, projects, practical exams etc., reflect the aims of the subject and of the study programme and enable individual assessment of student achievements. The form and content of the assessment reflect the contents and the working methods of the subject and the study programme. After completing the study programme requirements the candidate is awarded with a Master Diploma (диплома за магистер) and Diploma Supplement.

Progression routes
- Holders of VIIA level master diploma can enter into third cycle (doctoral) study programmes.

Labour Market
- Yes. The academic studies qualify the graduates for carrying out activities in the respected field of science and higher education, the business world, the public sector and the society at large by qualifying them to develop and apply scientific and professional competence.

Quality assurance
·  Institutional and Study Programme Accreditation and Re-accreditation
·  Self-evaluation process
·  External evaluation
·  University ranking
·  State plagiarism system
·  Board for trust and cooperation with the public.

Table 28: Tabular presentation of doctoral studies (level VIII)

Entry requirements
- Holders of VIIA level master diploma and completed university entry requirements. The enrollment is on the basis of a public announcement published by the higher education institution. Students with special needs can enroll at doctoral studies.

Education and training
- The third cycle (doctoral) studies last at least three years and 180 ECTS credits are acquired.
The study programmes are developed according to the ESG. The study programme mainly covers active research work under mentorship and includes:
- organized academic training, containing advanced and vocational courses,
- independent research project under mentoring (doctoral project),
- international mobility, at least one-week stay,
- lectures and other type of communication activities,
- publications in international scientific journals and active participation in international events in the area of the doctoral thesis, and
- preparation and public defense of the doctoral thesis on the basis of the doctoral project.
The doctoral studies in the field of art consist of two parts – doctoral thesis and public presentation of the art work or exhibition.
The study programmes are adopted by the Senate of the university upon proposal of the academic-scientific Council. They have to be accredited by the HEAE Board and to possess work permit from the Minister of Education and Science.

- For the study programmes performed by the public higher education institutions the financing is provided from the National Budget. The founder of the private Higher Education Institution provides financing of the study programmes.

Teachers qualifications
- Holder of PhD degree in respected scientific area in which he/she is to be elected in the academic title: part-time or full professor, has to have respective research achievements, competence in carrying out particular types of higher education activity, and has a positive assessment from the PhD students within the institutional self-evaluation.

Expected learning outcomes
- Study programmes are learning outcomes and research based.

Assessment and awards
- The studies of the third cycle are completed by taking all activities in accordance with the study programme, public defense of the doctoral thesis and published at least two scientific papers in scientific journals. After completing the study programme requirements the candidate is awarded with a PhD diploma (диплома за доктор на науки) and Diploma Supplement.

Progression routes
- VIII level is the highest one.

Labour Market
- Yes.

Quality assurance
·  Institutional and Study Programme Accreditation and Re-accreditation
·  Self-evaluation process
·  External evaluation
·  University ranking
·  State plagiarism system
·  Board for trust and cooperation with the public.


EQF Referencing Report of the Macedonian Qualifications Framework and Self-Certification to the QF-EHEA

Link(s): English

Quality assurance in the Republic of Macedonia
Quality assurance

The quality assurance system covers:

-  Initial accreditation of higher education institutions and study programmes;
-  Assessment of the quality of higher education activities, management, financing, academic and other activities and priorities, measured by evaluation, and
-  Other activities and mechanisms through which the quality of higher education is developed and maintained, determined by the law and the acts of the bodies that assess the quality of higher education.

All higher education institutions are obliged to have institutional accreditation and to offer accredited study programmes, as well as to have working permission provided by the Minister of Education and Science. The ac­creditation is performed by the Higher Education Accreditation and Evaluation Board. The Board was established in 2002 and accreditation started in the academic year 2003/04. In line with the amendments to the Law on Higher Education of 2010, which introduced learning outcome based study programmes, all study programmes were re-accredited during the academic year 2011/12. In 2011, the Board undertook also the responsibilities for external evaluation and became Higher Education Accreditation and Evaluation Board. Since October 2011 the Board has affiliated status within ENQA. Nomination of new members of the Board is in progress and will continue the activities in the academic year 2015/16.

Re-accreditation of first- and second-cycle study programmes takes place in a five-year period. Re-accreditation of the third cycle study programmes takes place every three years.

The institutional evaluation covers: self-evaluation, external evaluation and evaluation of the quality of the academic staff. Examples of evaluation reports:
·  Self-evaluation and External evaluation reports of the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”
Skopje are available on the link:

·  Self-evaluation reports of the University “Goce Delcev” – Shtip (2007-2012 and 2012-2013)

·  The website of the South East European University - Tetovo contains a sub-page on quality assurance and management.
Implementation of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area is compulsory. The legal basis is established with the bylaws on quality assurance. Depending on subject of the bylaws they are adopted by the Minister of Education and Science, HEAEB or the universities. Certain bylaws are adopted by the Inter-university Conference (e.g. Rulebook for election in academic titles, Rulebook for self-evaluation).

Student examination

The examination assesses whether and to what extent the student has acquired knowledge and understanding, skills and competence which correspond to the aims, competence and academic requirements prescribed by the generic and specific level descriptors that determine the learning outcomes of particular study programme. The form and content of the examination reflect the aims and the working methods of the subject and the study programme and enable individual assessment of the achieved learning outcomes by each student separately.

Diploma Supplement

The student, who has fulfilled all obligations according to the study programme for completing higher education of any cycle, receives a Diploma. Integral part of the Diploma is the Diploma Supplement. The content of the Diploma Supplement is prescribed by the Law on Higher Education and the bylaws. It is free of charge and should be automatically issued to graduate students of each cycle. It is issued in Macedonian and in English language. In case when the study programme has been carried out into the languages of the minorities, Diploma Supplement is issued in that language as well.

Example of Diploma Supplement issued by the University “Ss. Cyril and Methodius”
Skopje is provided here:

In higher educational and scientific institutions, the State Inspectorate conducts the evaluation and monitoring over the application of the laws and the quality of the higher education. The teaching schools are subject of special supervision of the organization and realization of practical training of students in teaching profession.

Link(s): Macedonian, Macedonian, English, English

Responsible organisation

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Diploma Supplement according to the Macedonian Law on the Higher Education

The student who has fulfilled all obligations according to the study program for obtaining higher education in any cycle of education, shall be issued a diploma by the university and the unit of the university, that is, the independent school of higher professional education on the basis of the records it keeps of the student. The diploma shall confirm that the student has completed the study program of the first, second or third cycle and shall acquire the appropriate professional or academic degree. Integral part of the diploma shall be the diploma supplement.

The diploma and the diploma supplement of the university shall be signed by the rector and the dean, that is, the director of the unit of the university and shall be verified by an embossed seal of the university.

The diploma and the diploma supplement of the independent school of higher professional education shall be signed by the director and shall be verified by an embossed seal of the independent school of higher professional education.

The diploma supplement issued by the university, the institute or the independent school of higher professional education, in addition to the data regulated by Article 2 point 8 of this Law, shall contain the grade average of the person achieved up to the additionally passed exams in accordance with Article 113 paragraphs 23 and 24 of this Law.

The diploma supplement of the persons who have additionally passed the exam in a number of subjects, in accordance with Article 113 paragraphs 23 and 24 of this Law, shall contain the grade only for those who have achieved an average of 8 or above 8.

The joint diploma and the diploma supplement shall be signed by the authorized persons of the higher education institutions that have organized the study program for obtaining a joint diploma.

The student who fulfills all obligations according to the study program for development or only part of the study program for obtaining education shall be issued a certificate for the completed part of the study program containing data about the level, nature and content of the studies as well as the achieved results.  

Other public documents, in terms of this Law, shall be: certificate, student identity card and index.

The student identity card shall serve for identification of the student, as well as for electronic recording of student’s attendance at classes.

The higher education institutions shall mandatorily issue the student index in a written and electronic form (e-index) or only in electronic form. The certificate, the student identity card and the student index for the members of the communities that speak official language other than the Macedonian language, that is spoken by at least 20% of the citizens, that follow the lectures in a language other than the Macedonian language, shall be issued in Macedonian language and the Cyrillic letters and the language and the letters of that community.

The public universities shall provide the funds necessary for issuing the student identity card and the student index (e-index) from the sources determined in Articles 86 and 87 of this Law.

The content and the form of the diploma and the guidelines for preparation of the diploma supplement and the other public documents determined by this Law shall be prescribed by the minister responsible for the issues in higher education.