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National Information Centres

სსიპ - განათლების ხარისხის განვითარების ეროვნული ცენტრი
LEPL - National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement

2 Merab Aleksidze st, Second lane. (In the neighborhood of Sports Palace)
0193 Tbilisi,

Phone: +995 32 2 02 21 21
Head of Centre: Ms. Salome Abramishvili - Head of Department of Educational Services Enhancement (Enic-Georgia)

საქართველოს განათლებისა და მეცნიერების სამინისტრო
Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia
0102 Tbilisi, Dimitri Uznadze N 52
Tel: (+995 32 2) 200 220

Link(s): Georgian, English

Education System

On June 14, 2014 Georgia has signed “on the one hand Georgia and on the other hand European Union and Europe Atomic Energy Community and between their member states agreement on association, which has been ratified by the Georgian Parliament on July 18, 2014.

According to 361 Article of the Agreement, Georgia shall conduct harmonization of National Legislation to European Union legislative acts referred to in annex XXXII of the Agreement. The EU documents regarding qualifications and quality assurance are among them. Recommendation of the European Parliament and Councils of May 22, 2017, “on the elaboration of European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning”  is very important for entire education system. This document is a tool that supports transparency, comparability and recognition of qualifications on the European level based on learning outcomes. The principle of abovementioned document is to support qualification systems and lifelong learning based on learning outcomes.

Accordingly, the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement has started the process of education system analysis in 2014. In 2017, the revised National Qualifications Framework and the Classification of Classification of Documents of Classes were prepared. The package of legislative amendments was also prepared for the project approval. As a result of this process the revised National Qualifications Framework and Learning Fields Classifier was approved by Order of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia in 2019 (order N69/n).

The National Qualifications Framework considers the requirements of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF LLL) and European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework (QF-EHEA). The document unites all the qualifications existing in Georgia, reflects the learning outcomes of different levels of general, vocational and higher education.The National Qualification Framework establishes what knowledge, skills, and responsibilities should a person have for obtaining the document verifying the completion of the relevant cycle.

Link(s): Georgian, English

Higher education in Georgia consists of three stages: bachelor program, master program and doctorate program.
Educational program in the institution of higher education during one educational year includes averagely 60 credits. Educational program of first stage of teaching (bachelor) consists of no less than 240 credits. First stage of higher education may include educational program of teacher's training. Only holders of state certificates confirming full general education or persons equalized with them, have a right to study in a bachelor programs. Educational program of second stage of teaching (master) consists of no less than 120 credits. Only bachelors or persons with degrees equalized with them have a right to study in a master programs. Medical/dentist educational program is one-stage higher educational program which ends with awarding academic degree of certified physician/dentist. Academic degree received after completing educational program of physician with 360 credits or dentist with 300 credits, is equalized with academic degree of master. The duration of the Doctoral program is 3 years, the study component of which includes maximum 60 credits. Only masters or persons with degrees equalized with them, have a right to study in doctoral programs.

After completing of each stage of higher education, respective diploma is issued. Institution of higher education is authorized to award student with intermediate qualification, in case of completing a part of educational program. Awarding an intermediate qualification is allowed after reaching of results in studying, defined for completing a part of educational program which should not be less than half of credit number defined for educational program.

Types of higher education institutions:
In Georgia, three types of higher education institutions are active:

• University - institution of higher education which carries out higher educational programs of all three stages and scintific research.
• Teaching university - institution of higher education which carries out higher educational program/programs (except doctorate programs). Teaching university necessarily carries out educational programs of second stage - master program/programs.   
• College - institution of higher education which carries out only first stage educational program of higher academic education. 

Obtaining of status of institution of higher education and implementation of respective educational activity is possible only in case of authorization of higher education institution defined by the rules of authorization provision. Authorization is a procedure of obtaining of a status of higher education institution purpose of which is to ensure compliance with standards necessary for implementation of respective activity required for issuing of education confirming document recognized by the state. Authorization is carried out by the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, according to the rules defined by the authorization provision. The state recognizes only diplomas issued by accredited or equalized with them educational institutions.

Link(s): Georgian, English


University – a higher education institution implementing the educational programs of all three cycles of higher education and scientific research;
Teaching University – a higher education institution implementing higher education programme/programmes (except for Doctoral programmes). A Teaching University necessarily implements the second cycle – Master’s educational programme/programmes;
College – a higher education institution, implementing only the first cycle academic higher education programmes.

VET Institutions

Professional Educational Institution / college – Legal Entity, which is authorized to implement professional educational programs, short cycle educational programs, professional training programs, professional retraining programs and national language programs, according to the legislation of Georgia. 
Data of December 1, 2021 

General Educational Institutions
A General education institution/a school – a legal entity under public law or an entrepreneurial or non-entrepreneurial (non-commercial) legal entity under private law, authorised in the manner prescribed by the Minister of Education and Science of Georgia that carries out general educational activities under the National Curriculum and completely covers at least one level of general education.

Link(s): Georgian, English, Georgian, English, Georgian, English


National Qualification Framework

The National Qualifications Framework and Learning Fields Classifier

The revised National Qualifications Framework and Learning Fields Classifier was approved by Order of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia in 2019 (order N69/n) (available only in Georgian)

The National Qualifications Framework considers the requirements of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF LLL) and European Higher Education Area Qualifications Framework (QF-EHEA). The document unites all the qualifications existing in Georgia, reflects the learning outcomes of different levels of general, vocational and higher education. The National Qualification Framework establishes what knowledge, skills, and responsibilities should a person have for obtaining the document verifying the completion of the relevant cycle.
Classification of Fields of Study based on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization documents "International Standard Classification of Education" (ISCED-F-2013) and the "Education and Training Field 2013 - Description of Detailed Fields" (ISCED-Foet-2013) classifies existing fields of study in Georgia and defines the qualifications to be awarded in each field of study.

Link(s): Georgian, English


Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Higher education institutions in Georgia are required by law to work in compliance with the internal and external quality assurance standards. Nowadays, Georgia’s system of external quality assurance comprises of institutional authorization and programme accreditation, while internal quality has functions on both institutional and programme levels to ensure the continuous evaluation and development of the quality of teaching, learning and research processes, professional development of staff and quality of the services and facilities provided by the institution.

Authorization of HEIs is an external mechanism of higher education quality assurance, which is carried out by the NCEQE. Authorization is an institutional evaluation, which determines compliance of an institution with the authorization standards. The evaluation process is carried out by expert panel and is based on the analysis of the information provided in the self-evaluation report (SER) of the institution and collected during the site-visit. Authorization is obligatory for all HEIs in order to be allowed to carry out educational activities and issue a diploma that is recognized by the state.

Accreditation of higher education programmes is an external mechanism of higher education quality assurance, which is carried out by the NCEQE. Accreditation is a programme evaluation, which determines compliance of a programme with the accreditation standards. The evaluation is carried out by the accreditation experts’ panel and is based on the analysis of the information indicated in the self-evaluation report of the programme and collected during the experts‘ site-visit. Accreditation is obligatory for regulated professions (Medicine, Law, Teacher Education, Maritime Education, Veterinary) and doctoral programmes. It is not obligatory to be accredited for the rest of the programmes. However, higher education programme has to be accredited in order to be eligible for national grants.

Link(s): Georgian, English
Accreditation is a type of an external quality assurance mechanism under which operations educational programmes are evaluated by an external body in order to determine educational programmes’ compliance with Higher Education Accreditation standards. The goal of accreditation is to establish systematic self-evaluation process at Higher Education Institutions and to foster the development of quality assurance mechanisms. Evaluation is conducted by the team of accreditation experts and is based on the self-evaluation report of HEI and the analysis of the information obtained during the accreditation site-visit.
Accreditation is mandatory for HEI in order to run Regulated and Doctoral educational programmes.

Link(s): Georgian, English
Authorization of higher education institutions
Authorization of Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) is an external mechanism of higher education quality assurance, which is carried out by the NCEQE. Authorization is an institutional evaluation, which determines compliance of an institution with the authorization standards. The evaluation process is carried out by expert panel and is based on the analysis of the information provided in the self-evaluation report (SER) of the institution and collected during the site-visit. Authorization is obligatory for all HEIs in order to be allowed to carry out educational activities and issue a diploma that is recognized by the state.

Link(s): Georgian, English

Recognition of Foreign Education

For the recognition of foreign education, the Center verifies the authenticity of an educational document, issued by a foreign institution and establishes the compatibility of the qualification, contained in this document or the learning outcomes, attained during the period of study with the qualifications, existing in Georgia.

Link(s): Georgian, English

Responsible organisation

Ssip - Ganatlebis Khariskhis Ganvitarebis Erovnuli Centri
National Center For Educational Quality Enhancement
1, M. Aleksidze str. , 0193 Tbilisi, Georgia
Phone: +995 322 200 220
Link(s): English

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Diploma Supplement

Link(s): Georgian, English, Georgian, English

Access to higher education

In order to continue studying in higher educational institute, individual must obtain full general education certificate.

Full general education includes three levels and 12 years.
The levels of full general education are
A) Primary - I-VI grades;
B) Basic VII-IX grades;
C) Secondary - X-XII grades.
Primary and basic education is mandatory.
Full general education implies to overcome the level of achievements established by all three levels in general education. 


In the institutions of higher education, in bachelor, certified physician/dentist educational programs, only those enrollees have a right to study who completed respective Unified National Exams according to the rule defined by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. In higher educational institutions of Orthodox theologian direction, enrolment of students in bachelor's theologian educational program is carried out on the basis of proposal presented by Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia, according to the rule defined by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia, on the basis of result obtained in certain subject of Unified National Exams. 

National Examinations Center is a legal entity of public law which ensures execution of Unified National and Joint Master Exams, is authorized to carry out national estimations and international researches, carrying out other authorities defined by the Georgian legislation.

Link(s): Georgian, English

Recognition of Qualifications held by Refugees

EQE is responsible for the recognition of education received abroad by persons holding international protection status, which means ascertaining the fact that such persons have received education and establishing the compatibility of qualifications obtained abroad with qualifications existing in Georgia (applies only in cases where a person holding international protection status is unable to submit a document evidencing education received by him/her abroad)

Link(s): Georgian, English
Project - Promoting implementation in practice of the procedure of recognition of education received by refugees (persons with international protection status)
In order to promote the implementation of the Lisbon Convention and improve the recognition mechanisms of education by refugees, LEPL - the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement implemented a project "Promoting implementation procedures in practice for the recognition of education received by refugees”, within the framework of the grant program of the Council of Europe.

The project was developed to support the policy, mechanisms and procedures of recognition of education received by refugees (a person with the status of international protection, an asylum seeker, or a person of similar status as a refugee) and to review the legislative framework of Georgia in this direction. The project had a twofold purpose: it promoted the education system of Georgia, especially the recognition of education, to be in accordance with the commitments of the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC); the project aimed to support the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement (NCEQE) as institution to promote recognition mechanisms and procedures effectively.

Within the framework of the project implementation, the NCEQE analyzed the best international practice on the issues of recognition of education received by refugees, assessed the readiness of Higher Educational Institutions operating in Georgia in terms of accomplish the procedures. 
Based on the results of the research findings a guide was developed and training sessions were held for Higher Education Institutions operating in Georgia, and other key stakeholders. Besides, informational brochures were prepared in Georgian, Ukrainian, English and Arabic languages and distributed to the relevant parties.

Link(s): English, Georgian
Guideline on the Procedure for Recognition of Education Received by a Person with International Protection Status For Higher Educational Institutions
This guidance document has been prepared for higher educational institutions of Georgia for the determination of the status of recognition of education acquired abroad for individuals holding a status of international protection. The document begins with a situational analysis within the context of Georgia. Subsequent sections discuss the recognition of education obtained by individuals with the status of international protection and the procedure for recognition of education acquired abroad. This document serves as a recommendation and contributes to the enhancement of awareness of universities regarding the recognition procedure and to establish standard/common approaches in the application review and decision-making process.

Link(s): Georgian, English

The ability to check/verify of educational documents issued in Georgia is not available online. To obtain information, you can contact the educational institution that issued the document. If the educational institution is currently no longer operating, you can contact our center.