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National Information Centres

Centrul National de Recunoastere și Echivalare a Diplomelor (CNRED)
National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas

Str. Spiru Haret, nr. 12
Sector 1, 010176, Bucureşti

Phone: +40 21 405 56 59, +40 21 405 63 12, +40 21 405 62 44
Fax: +40 21 313 10 13
Head of Centre: Mrs. Gianina CHIRAZI, Director

Ministerul Educației și Cercetării
Ministy of Education and Research

Link(s): Romanian

Ministry of Education and Research
Description of the pre-university education system

Link(s): Multilingual
Ministry of Education and Research
Description of the higher education system

Link(s): Multilingual

Study in Romania

Legislation on the higher education system described on the portal for students who want to apply for studies in Romania

Link(s): English
Agenţia Română de Asigurare a Calităţii în Învăţământul Superior - Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Link(s): Romanian

Ministry of Education and Research
Lists of all public or private accredited higher education institutions in Romania

Link(s): Multilingual


National Qualifications Framework
The Government decision on the NQF

Link(s): Romanian
Correspondence for the NQF
The Ministry of Education order for aproving the correspondence between the levels of the National Qualifications Framework, the study / qualification documents issued, the type of education and vocational training programs in Romania through which the qualification levels can be acquired, the reference levels of the European Qualifications Framework, as well as the access conditions corresponding to each level of qualification

Link(s): Romanian


National Center for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas - CNRED
Self evaluation Report

Link(s): English


Agenţia Română de Asigurare a Calităţii în Învăţământul Superior - Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Link(s): Romanian, English

National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas - CNRED
The website of the Romanian ENIC/NARIC Centre

Link(s): Romanian, English, Français

Responsible organisation

Centrul National de Recunoastere si Echivalare a Diplomelor
National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas
Str. Spiru Haret, nr. 12<br>
Sector 1, 010168, Bucureşti<br>
Phone: 004021 405 5659
Fax: 004021 313 1013
Link(s): Romanian, English, Français

Additional information:
Refer to the Ministerial Act No. 4868/07.08.2006 regarding the Diploma Supplement.The template is created on the basis of the template recommended by the UNESCO/ Council of Europe/ European Commission Working Group. The item concerning the Professional Qualifications will be specified in 2007.

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Process of Implementation of the Diploma Supplement
The Europass site

Link(s): English
Process of Implementation of the Diploma Supplement

The Ministry of education order no. 4151/2010 regarding the diploma of Master and Diploma supplement, and the Ministry of education order no. 5289/2008 regarding the diploma of Licenta and Diploma supplement

Link(s): Romanian
Romanian Diploma Supplement template
Romanian Diploma Supplement template

Link(s): Romanian

Description of the preuniversity system of education
The webpage of the Ministry of Education and Research with general overview of the preuniversity system of education in Romania and the its levels

Link(s): Multilingual
Description of the higher secondary education level
In this webpage of the Ministry of Education and Research there is a general description of the higher secondary education level and of the Diploma de bacalaureat, the only diploma giving access to post-secondary and higher education studies. It also refers to some pieces of legislation with provisions on the high school education

Link(s): Multilingual
Q-Entry Database of diplomas giving access to higher education
Information on the Diploma de Bacalaureat, the only diploma giving access to post-secondary and higher education

Link(s): English

Ministry of Education and Research
Description of the post secondary education system

Link(s): Multilingual

Agenţia Română de Asigurare a Calităţii în Învăţământul Preuniversitar - Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Preuniversity Education

Link(s): Romanian

Description of procedures for recognition of studies for refugees on the Romanian ENIC/NARIC website for pre-university education

Link(s): Multilingual
Description of procedures for recognition of studies for refugees on the Romanian ENIC/NARIC website for higher education

Link(s): Multilingual

Please reach out directly to the concerned educational institution for verification inquiries as our Department is not mandated to offer verification services.