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National Information Centres

Akadēmiskās informācijas centrs (Latvijas ENIC/NARIC)
Academic Information Centre (Latvian ENIC/NARIC)

Post: Vaļņu iela 2
LV-1050 Riga
Office: Dzirnavu iela 16, (entrance from Strelnieku street), Riga, Latvia

Phone: +371 67225155
Fax: +371 67221006
Head of Centre: Ms Baiba Ramina, Chairperson of the Board

Izglītības un zinātnes ministrija

Ministry of Education and Science
Information about education policy, education system (general, vocational and higher education), science and research, youth affairs, sport, international co-operation.

Link(s): Latvian, English

The Education System in Latvia
The overall description of Latvian education system

Link(s): English, Latvian
Study in Latvia
Information for foreign students on study programmes, living conditions, entrance requirements etc.

Link(s): English

National Quide to Higher Education in Latvia

Link(s): English

The information on recognised higher education institutions is available on Quality Agency for Higher Education E-platform

Link(s): Latvian, English


National coordination point for referencing NQF to EQF

National Coordination Point for EQF develops NQF and references national qualifications framework to EQF

Link(s): English, Latvian
Latvian Qualifications Database
Latvian Qualifications Database (LQD) is a unique database in Latvia that contains information on qualifications obtainable in the education system of Latvia.

Link(s): English, Latvian


Self - Assessment Report
2018 Self - Assessment Report is available

Link(s): English, Latvian

Quality Agency for Higher Education
Information on accredited higher education institutions and study programmes.

Link(s): Latvian, English

Information about the recognition of foreign diplomas and foreign qualifications

Link(s): English, Latvian

Responsible organisation

Izglitibas un zinatnes ministrija
Ministry of Education and Science
Vaļņu 2
Latvija, LV-1050
Phone: +371 67226209
Fax: +371 67223905
Link(s): Latvian, English

Additional information:
Diploma Supplement is introduced by Law and is mandatory for all higher education institutions from 2004. Diploma Supplement in Latvia closely resemble the template recommended by the UNESCO.

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Process of Implementation of the Diploma Supplement
Every HEI should issue Diploma Supplement since 2004. The format of Diploma Supplement is set by the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations.

Link(s): English, Latvian
Chart of national higher education structure
The information on Diploma Supplement is set by Cabinet of Ministers Regulations Nr.202 issued 16.04.2013 with amendments.
Link to the legal acts follows

Link(s): Latvian, English
Chart of national higher education structure

Link(s): Latvian
Chart of national higher education system

Link(s): English

Information on access qualifications to HE in Latvia

Link(s): English

The recognition of educational qualifications without documents for refugees is provided by interview organized by Academic Information Centre

Please reach out directly to the concerned education institution for verification inquiries as our unit is not mandated to offer verification services