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National Information Centres

Қазақстан Республикасы Ғылым және жоғары білім министрлігінің «Жоғары білім беруді дамыту ұлттық орталығы»
"Higher Education Development National Center" of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

28 Kabanbay Batyr Avenue, Office № 4
Z05H0E8 Astana, Kazakhstan

Phone: +7 (7172) 57-20-75
Fax: +7 (7172) 57-20-86
Head of Centre: Mr. Kuanganov Farhad Shaimuratovich

Қазақстан Республикасы Ғылым және жоғары білім министрлігі
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Link(s): Kazakh, Russian, English

The education system in Kazakhstan based on the principle of continuity and succession of comprehensive educational curricula and educational programs includes the following levels of education:

- Basic secondary education
- General secondary education
- Technical and vocational education
- Post-secondary education
- Higher education
- Postgraduate education

Higher Education

Training in degree programs of higher education is carried out in the mode of full-time and (or) external studies.
The main types of organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education are:

- National research university;
- National organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education;
 -Research university;
- University;
- Academy;
- Institute and equated to it organization (conservatory, higher school, higher specialized school).

A student who passes the final academic assessment for the completion of the degree program of higher education is awarded a bachelor's degree or a qualification of specialist's degree.

Specialist's degree is a higher education level aimed at training personnel with the qualification of a specialist in a relevant degree program with the compulsory mastering of at least 300 academic credits/ECTS.
Bachelor’s degree is a higher education level aimed at training personnel with a bachelor’s degree in an appropriate degree program with the required mastering of at least 240 academic credits/ECTS.

Postgraduate Education
Training in postgraduate degree programs is carried out in the mode of full-time studies.
Postgraduate education is accomplished on the levels of master's degree, residency and Ph.D. studies in organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education, scientific organizations in the main activity profile and field of training.

Training on the master's degree level is performed based on the bachelor’s degree programs in two directions:
- Scientific & Teacher training degree with the compulsory mastering of at least 120 academic credits/ECTS;
- Professionally oriented degree with the compulsory mastering of at least 60-90 academic credits/ECTS.

Training on the Ph.D. degree level is performed based on the master’s degree programs in two directions:
- Scientific & Teacher training degree;
- Professionally oriented degree;
with the compulsory mastering of at least 180 academic credits/ECTS.

Postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education includes residency, master's and Ph.D. degree programs.
The residency provides advanced training in clinical specialties, the period of training is from two to four years, depending on the specialization. Regulations for training medical specialists in residency are approved by the authorized body in the field of healthcare.

Information on the accredited education institutions, as well as HEI catalogue are available on the official website of ENIC-Kazakhstan.

Link(s): Kazakh, Russian, English


The National Qualifications Framework of Kazakhstan contains eight levels, which corresponds to the European Qualifications Framework and educational cycles. The eight proposed levels are described in the form of learning outcomes (approved by the Protocol of the Republican Tripartite Panel on Social Partnership and Regulation of Social and Labour Relations, dated March 16, 2016).

Link(s): Kazakh, Russian, English


Self Certification Report

Self Certification Report on Compatibility of the Kazakhstan National Qualifications Framework for the Higher Education with the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area

Link(s): Kazakh, Russian, English


Education institutions are subject to institutional and specialized (degree programme) accreditation in accreditation bodies recognized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan maintains a register of recognized accreditation bodies, accredited education institutions and educational programs.

The Committee for the Control of Education and Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan coordinates the following issues:
- issuance of licenses and (or) supplements to the license for carrying out educational activities by legal bodies;
- state attestation of education institutions;
- accreditation of bodies of research and (or) scientific and technological profiles;
- apostilization of diplomas, qualifications (originals);
- dissertation councils performance;
- award of Ph.D. degree, the doctor degree in specialization and appointment to academic ranks of the associated professor, professor;
and others.

Link(s): Kazakh, Russian, English

"Higher Education Development National Center" of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides the public service on Recognition of qualifications issued by foreign education institutions.

Link(s): Kazakh, Russian, English

Responsible organisation

"Higher Education Development National Center" of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan(ENIC-Kazakhstan)
28 Kabanbay Batyr Avenue, Office #4
Z05H0E8 Astana, Kazakhstan
Phone: +7 7172 287 521
Fax: +7 7172 287 530
Link(s): Kazakh, Russian, English

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Kazakhstani higher education institutions issue the Diploma Supplement in English. The design and content comply with the pattern proposed in the Paris Communique 2018.
The Higher Education Development National Center prepared description of the education system of Kazakhstan for paragraph 8 of Diploma Supplement.

Link(s): Kazakh, Russian, English

Persons who have completed:
- general secondary education (document of education - certificate of full secondary education, carried out in secondary schools);
- technical and vocational education (education document – diploma of secondary technical and vocational education college graduates (technical school, college);
- post-secondary education (certificate of education – diploma of applied bachelor's degree)

Post-secondary educational programs are provided by Colleges and Higher colleges.

Training in post-secondary educational programs is realized according to the list of specialties approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A student who passes the final academic assessment for the completion of the post-secondary educational program is awarded the qualification of applied bachelor.

The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Ratification of the Lisbon Recognition Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher education in the European Region, dated December 13, 1997, N 202-I.

Verification education document
Information about 2698420 of graduates of higher and/or post-graduate education organizations has been entered into the database

Link(s): English, Kazakh