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National Information Centres

Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej
National Agency for Academic Exchange

Polna 40
00-635 Warsaw

Phone: 00 48 22 390 35 60
Head of Centre: Hanna Reczulska

Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej
National Agency for Academic Exchange

Link(s): Polish, English
Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego
Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Link(s): Polish
Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej
Ministry of National Education

Link(s): Polish
Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna

Polish Accreditation Committee
This committe is responsible for various activities related to the accreditation of all Polish civilian state-owned and non-state owned institutions of higher education, academic and vocational.

Link(s): English, Polish
Konferencja Rektorów Akademickich Szkół Polskich
Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland
A voluntary association of rectors representing Polish institutions of higher education which have the right to award the doctor's degree (or equivalent) in at least one scientific discipline.

Link(s): Polish, English

Education system in Poland

Link(s): English

Higher Education System - general description

Link(s): English
Education system in Poland - publication

Link(s): English

List of Polish higher education institutions

Link(s): Polish
Doctoral schools

Link(s): Polish
Programmes offered by Polish HEIs

Link(s): Polish
Branches (including foreign branches) of Polish HEIs

Link(s): Polish


Polska Rama Kwalifikacji

Link(s): Polish, English



Link(s): Polish

Polska Komisja Akredytacyjna (Polish Accreditation Committee)

Link(s): Polish, English

Policies and procedures for the recognition of foreign qualifications

Link(s): Polish, English

KWALIFIKATOR is a database that allows you to automatically check general information about selected types of higher education diplomas obtained abroad. It allows to assess the level and status of qualifications in the country of issue and to learn how a given foreign diploma or degree is recognised in Poland. It also indicates the rights of the diploma holder and their legal basis.

Link(s): Polish, English

Responsible organisation

Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, Departament Organizacji Uczelni, Kształcenia i Spraw Studenckich (DSW)
Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Department for Organisation of Higher Education Institutions, Education and Students' Affairs (DSW)
ul. Wspólna 1/3
00-529 Warszawa
Phone: +48 22 529 23 20
Link(s): Polish

Additional information:
Since 1st January 2005 Diploma Supplement is obligatory for higher education institutions in Poland. The current format of Diploma Supplement is defined in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 27 September 2018 on higher education studies.

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

The Diploma Supplement has a state format.

Link(s): Polish

The maturity certificate (świadectwo dojrzałości) gives general access to firts cycle and long-cycle studies in Poland. The certificate has a state format.
It is awarded to those who pass the maturity (or matriculate) examination.
Detailed information on maturity examinations may be found at the website of the Central Examination Board.

Admission to first cycle and long-cycle programmes is based on the results of the maturity exams. Additional entrance examinations may be conducted by HEIs only in the following cases:

• for candidates with foreign certificates, where the grades from the required subjects are not indicated in the certificate;
• to assess knowledge and / or skills which are not assessed by the maturity exam (e.g. specific aptitudes, artistic skills or physical fitness).

Education system in Poland

Link(s): English

Recognition of refugees’ qualifications

Link(s): English, Polish

Verification sources
For information about the authenticity of qualifications, it is possible to contact the awarding institution directly (the list of official HEIs is available here:

Link(s): Polish, English