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National Information Centres

France Education international (ex-CIEP)

Département reconnaissance des diplômes
Centre ENIC-NARIC France
1 avenue Léon Journault
92318 Sèvres Cedex

Any questions on our procedures please contact : Cybèle 

Phone: +33 1 70 19 30 31
Head of Centre: Jingchao SHI, director

Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation
Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation

Link(s): French
Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de la Jeunesse et des Sports
Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport

Link(s): French

French education system

Link(s): French

French higher education structure

Campus France is the French national agency in charge of promoting French higher education, international student services and international mobility worldwide. It is under the umbrella of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.

Useful information about the HEIs:

Link(s): French, English, Spanish
Useful information about degrees:

Link(s): French, English, Spanish, French, English
Description of higher education studies
The Onisep (Office national d'information sur les enseignements et les professions – National information center for education and profession) is under the umbrella of the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. 

The ONISEP provides an overview of the French higher education system and also informs students and other stakeholders on the different study paths in France.

Link(s): French

Higher education institutions
This website will give you a list of all the French public higher education institutions (universities, "grands établissements", "grandes écoles", etc)

Link(s): French
Business schools
Commission d'évaluation des formations et diplômes de gestion, CEFDG

Link(s): French
Engineering studies
Commission des titres d'ingénieur, CTI

Link(s): French, English


French national qualification framework
Information on the French NQF and its referencing to the EQF is available on the official website of the national contact point for the national qualifications framework.


Referencing report
Referencing report of the French NQF to the EQF

Link(s): French

Haut conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur (HCERES)

French agency for quality assurance in higher education and research.

Link(s): French, English
The title of engineer, which confers the rank of Master, is awarded by the CTI (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs - Engineering Title Commission).

Link(s): French, English
Degrees from business and management schools that are certified by the CEFDG (Commission d’Evaluation des Formations et Diplômes de Gestion- Management Training and Degree Evaluation Commission).

Link(s): French

Recognition criteria and procedures at the French ENIC-NARIC

Information on the criteria and procedures of the French recognition center to assess foreign credentials and issue a comparability statement.

Link(s): French

Responsible organisation

Agence ERASMUS+ France - Education Formation

Link(s): French, English

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Information on the diploma supplement in France

The official website of the authority in charge of the diploma supplement in France gives useful information on the implementation of this tool in the French higher education system.

Link(s): French

Parcoursup - access to Higher Education

Link(s): French
Mon master
Access to the Master's program

Link(s): French
Études en France
Études en France

Link(s): French, English, Spanish
French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR)
Foreign students: registrations in French higher education

Link(s): French

Short cycle higher education

Description of the short cycle degrees (BTS) awarded in the French higher education system and the possibilities to pursue studies with these credentials.
Brevet de technicien supérieur, BTS

Link(s): French, English, Spanish
Preparatory classes for 'grandes écoles'
These specific two-year programs of higher education, even though prepared within secondary  school institutions (lycées), prepare students to pursue studies at 'grandes écoles' in different fields (humanities, sciences, business, engineering).

Link(s): French
Ecoles de commerce (business schools)
Higher education institutions offering business programs can be private or public. On this website you will find useful information on these specific programs, including a website listing all the institutions authorized to award a "diplôme visé", conferring the "grade de master" (master's degree) to its holders.
Every year, this list is published in the Official Journal (J.O.) of the French Republic and the Official Bulletin  (B.O.) of the French Ministry of Education.

Link(s): French
Engineering studies
On this website you will find useful information on higher education institutions offering engineering programs.

Link(s): French, English, Spanish
The title of engineer
Every year, a list of institutions authorized to award a "titre d'ingénieur diplômé de ...", conferring the "grade de master" (master's degree) to its holders, is published in the Official Journal of the French Republic and the Official Journal (B.O.) of the French ministry of education.

The title of engineer, which confers the rank of Master, is awarded by the CTI (Commission des Titres d’Ingénieurs - Engineering Title Commission).

Link(s): French, English
IEP training
This website will give you a list of the training courses offered by the "Instituts d'études politique".

Link(s): French
ENS training
This website will give you a list of the training courses offered by "Les écoles normales supérieures".

Link(s): French
Higher education institutions Culture
This website will give you a list of all the French higher education institutions and training courses under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture.

Link(s): French
Higher education institutions Defense
This website will give you a list of all the French higher education institutions and training courses under the supervision of the Ministry of Defense.

Link(s): French
Higher education institutions Civil Aviation
This website will give you a list of all the French higher education institutions and training courses under the supervision of the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

Link(s): French, English
Higher education institutions Sea
This website will give you a list of all the French higher education institutions and training courses under the supervision of the Ministry of Sea. 

Link(s): French
Higher education institutions Energy
This website will give you a list of all the French higher education institutions and training courses under the supervision of the Ministry of Energy.

Link(s): French , English

French ENIC-NARIC initiatives

The French ENIC-NARIC has implemented a specific procedure for the recognition of qualifications held by refugees and people in a refugee-like situation (asylum seekers). This procedure is based on the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LCR) recommendations, under article VII – recognition of qualifications held by refugees, displaced persons and persons in a refugee-like situation.

Link(s): French

This website delivers certified digital certificates and provides third-party verification services for Brevet, CAP, BEP, Baccalauréat and BTS degrees.

Link(s): French