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National Information Centres

Agencija za kvalifikacije, ENIC/NARIC Centar
Qualification Agency, ENIC/NARIC Centre

ENIC/NARIC Centre Serbia provides various sorts of information on higher education recognition procedures in Serbia. 

There are two types of procedures:
1. Academic recognition procedure: relevant universities in co-operation with faculties in Serbia are responsible for this type of procedure.
2. Professional recognition procedure: Since October 1st, 2015, conduction of professional recognition procedure was under the responsibility of ENIC/NARIC Centre Serbia, the unit of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia. In the past, this sort of recognition procedure  was under the responsibility of universities of Serbia.
Starting with April 5,2019 - on the basis of legal Decision of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, adopted on September 7 2018 ("Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia" No 68),  - the Centre has become the unit of newly established Qualification Agency.

Qualification Agency - contact address:
51 Majke Jevrosime Str.
Belgrade, Serbia, Europe

Phone: +381 11 7455 728
Head of Centre: Mirjana Poledica, HoC

KONUS - Konferencija univerziteta Srbije
Conference of Universities of Serbia

Link(s): Serbian
SKONUS - Studentska konferencija univerziteta Srbije
Student Conference of Universities of Serbia

Link(s): Serbian
MPNTR - Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Srbije
-Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia

Link(s): Serbian
NSVO- Nacionalni savet za visoko obrazovanje Srbije
National Council for Higher Education of Serbia

Link(s): Serbian
KASSS - Konferencija akademija strukovnih studija
Conference of Academies of Vocational Studies

Link(s): Serbian
Komisija za akreditaciju i proveru kvaliteta Republike Srbije

Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance of the Republic of Serbia (abbr. in English CAQA)
The Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance of the Republic of Serbia (abbrev- in English -CAQA, in Serbian - KAPK)
  used to be the first level legal body which made decisions on accreditation status of higher education institutions at the first decision-making level. Upon to adopting new Law on Higher Education - came in force in April 2018 - Commission's responsibilities have been changed. Taking into account the Decision of the Government of Serbia(in Serbian) No 02-371/2018-1 as of January 31, 2018, in respect of  establishing the National Accreditation Body (“Serbian Official Gazette” No. 9, dated February 2, 2018), the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance (CAQA) is authorized to perform only technical tasks from now on. The CAQA used to provide various sorts of  information referring to the list of accredited universities in the Republic of Serbia, both public and private ones, as well as accredited colleges.

Link(s): Serbian, English
Nacionalno akreditaciono telo (NAT)
National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Serbia - NEAQA
A newly established public body dealing with accreditation issues is the National Accreditation Entity of the Republic of Serbia (NEAQA)

- its responsibilities are, as follows:

accreditation issues, HEI quality assurance, study programme assessment etc
National Accreditation Body  is a legal entity and it reports to the Government of Serbia on annual basis. In special cases and at the request of the National Council of Higher Education and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia it can also make special reports. It consists of, as follows: governing board, management board  and professional services. It was established on the basis of adopting new Law on Higher Education (April 2018).

Link(s): Serbian, English
Nacionalni prosvetni savet Republike Srbije
National Educational Council of the Republic of Serbia

Link(s): Serbian
Nacionalni savet za kvalifikacije
National Qualification Council
Nacionalni savet za kvalifikacije - National Qualification Council has been established on August 28,2018.

Link(s): Serbian
Agencija za kvalifikacije
Qualification Agency

Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
Nemanjina 22-26 Str. 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, Europe

It provides a wide range of useful  information referring to all the levels of the Education System of Serbia.

Two new laws in higher education sector have been adopted in April 2018 , as follows:
The Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Serbia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No 88 /2017 and 27/2018 - dr. zakon)
The Law on the National Qualification Framework of Serbia (abbreviation in Serbian: NOKS) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No  27/18)

Link(s): Serbian

University Education - Republic of Serbia - KONUS
KONUS - Conference of Universities of Serbia
(their seat - they use the premises  of University of Belgrade, Studentski trg 1, Belgrade)

Link(s): Serbian
SKONUS - Student Conference of Universities of Serbia

Link(s): Serbian
National Council for Higher Education

Link(s): Serbian

National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Serbia - NEAQA

The list of accredited higher education institutions and recognized study programmes is  available at the web site of the National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Serbia (abbreviation -  NEAQA). The Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia (abbreviation in Serbian -KAPK, in English CAQA) has become a part of aforementioned Entity.

Link(s): Serbian, English


National Qualification Framework for Serbia (abbrevation in Serbian: NOKS)
The Law on the National Qualification Framework of Serbia (abbreviation in Serbian: NOKS) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No  27/18, 129/2021) - it was adopted in April 2018.

Link(s): English, Serbian


Referencing NQFS with ЕQF

Link(s): English

Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance of Serbia - KAPK/ CAQA

1. The Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance of the Republic of Serbia (abbrev- in English -CAQA, in Serbian - KAPK)  used to be the first level legal body which made decisions on accreditation status of higher education institutions at the first decision-making level. Upon to adopting new Law on Higher Education - came in force on April 16, 2018 - Commission's responsibilities have been changed. Taking into account the Decision of the Government of Serbia (in Serbian) No 02-371/2018-1 as of January 31, 2018. regarding the establishment of the National Accreditation Body (“Serbian Official Gazette” No. 9, dated February 2, 2018), the Commission for Accreditation and Quality Assurance (CAQA) is authorized to perform only technical tasks from now on. The CAQA used to provide various sorts of  information referring to the list of accredited universities in the Republic of Serbia, both public and private ones, as well as accredited colleges.

2. A newly established public body dealing with accreditation issues is the National Accreditation Body of the Republic of Serbia - NEAQA - its responsibilities are, as follows:
accreditation issues, HEI quality assurance, study programme assessment etc
National Accreditation Body  is a legal entity and it reports to the Government of Serbia on annual basis. In special cases and at the request of the National Council of Higher Education and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia it can also make reports. It consists of: governing board, management board  and professional services.

Valid for credentials issued in Bologna period in Serbia (since 2007).
Note: Implementation of Bologna principles started in Serbia on September 10th, 2005, when, at the time, the Law on Higher Education of Serbia came into force. In pre-Bologna period legalization of educational institutions was based on the issuance of "licenses" by the Ministry of Education.

Link(s): Serbian, English

Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia

1. Ministry's website includes the Section "Recognition", where the recognition procedure for primary  secondary and higher education is briefly described (link 1)

There are two types of  recognition procedures: 1. Recognition Procedure for the Purpose of Employment  (i.e. professional  recognition procedure) (link 1)
section: Education, ENIC/NARIC Serbia.

2. Recognition Procedure for the Purpose of Continuation of Education (i.e.academic recognition procedure) - see links 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
The links lead to the websites of public universities of Serbia.

Note: Since October 1st, 2015, professional recognition procedure is under the responsibility of  ENIC/NARIC Centre Serbia. Starting with April 5, 2019, the Centre has become a part of newly established Qualification Agency.

Link(s): Serbian, University of Belgrade Serbian - English, University of Novi Sad Serbian - English, University of Nis Serbian - English, University of Kragujevac Serbian - English, University of Pristina - seat in Kosovska Mitrovica - Serbian, English, University of Novi Pazar - Serbian, University of Arts, Belgrade - Serbian, English, French

Responsible organisation

Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia
Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije
Link(s): Serbian

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Diploma Supplement - official form

2. More info about Serbian DS can be found at the website of the Center for Career Development and Student Counselling (University of Belgrade)

Link(s): University of Kragujevac - Serbian, University of Belgrade -Center for Career Development and Student Counselling - Serbian


"The right to higher education shall have all persons having passed the general, professional or artistic graduation exam, in accordance with this Law and the law governing secondary education. Exceptionally, under the conditions laid down in the Statute of a higher education institution, a person not having a secondary education shall be entitled to higher education if applying for a programme of study in the domain of arts"

Link(s): English

Konferencija akademija strukovnih studija Srbije - Conference of Academies of Vocational Studies

The Conference of Academies of Vocational Studies (abbreviation:KASSS), represents an association of non-university higher education institutions of Serbia. Its members are accredited academies and vocational colleges of Serbia. As a legal successor of the Conference of Directors of Post Secondary Vocational Schools, it was established on April 12, 2011.

Konferencija akademija strukovnih studija Srbije (KASSS) je acosijacija neuniverzitetskih visokoškolskih ustanova Srbije. Članice KASSS-a su akreditovane akademije i visoke škole strukovnih studija Srbije. Kao pravna sledbenica Konferencije direktora viših škola, osnovana je 12.04.2011.

Link(s): Serbian

ENIC/NARIC centre of Qualification Aganecy has joined EQPR project and gone through online specialized training program for evaluators. EQPR allows refugees to have their qualifications evaluated, even in the absence of complete documentation and gives them access to further education or employment.

Please reach out directly to the concerned educational institution for verification inquiries as our Agency is not mandated to offer verification services. Awarding institutions will ask for a letter of consent, signed by holder of qualification, and some of them may charge for verification services. If necessary, you can contact Qualification Agency (ENIC/NARIC) for help and mediation in verification process.