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National Information Centres

Nacionalni ENIC/NARIC ured
Croatian ENIC/NARIC Office

Donje Svetice 38/5
HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Phone: +385 1 627 48 88
Fax: +385 1 627 48 89
Head of Centre: Katarina Šimić Jagunić, Head of Croatian ENIC/NARIC Office

Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja (MZO)
Ministry of Science and Education (MOSE)
National government body for education issues

Link(s): Croatian, English
Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje (AZVO)
Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE)

Link(s): Croatian, English
Agencija za strukovno obrazovanje i obrazovanje odraslih
Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE)

Link(s): Croatian, English
Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje (AZOO)
Education and Teacher Training Agency

Link(s): Croatian, English
Agencija za mobilnost i programe Europske unije
Agency for Mobility and EU Programs

Link(s): Croatian, English

The Education System in the Republic of Croatia

Link(s): Croatian, English

About Higher Education in Croatia
Information on higher education institutions, types of studies and establishment of new HEIs and HE study programs, according to Bologna process.

Link(s): Croatian, English
Types of higher education institutions in Croatia

Link(s): Croatian, English
Types of higher education studies / degrees in Croatia

Link(s): Croatian, English
Chart - System of Higher Education in Croatia

Link(s): English
List of all higher education institutions

Link(s): Croatian, English
Scheme of higher education studies / degrees in Croatia

Link(s): Croatian, English

List of all higher education institutions accredited by national accreditation body (Agency for Science and Higher Education)

Link(s): Croatian, English


Information on development of Croatian Qualification Framework

Link(s): Croatian, English
The Croatian Qualifications Framework (CROQF)

Link(s): Croatian, English


Referencing and Self-certification report of the CROQF to the EQF and to the QF-EHEA

Link(s): English

The Agency for Science and Higher Education (ASHE)
The Agency's mission is to continuously support quality improvement of science and higher education, by applying European and international best practices.

Link(s): Croatian, English

Relevant information on the procedure for assessment of foreign higher education qualification

Link(s): Croatian, English
Assessment of foreign educational qualifications in the Republic of Croatia - for the purpose of accessing the labour market

Link(s): Croatian, English

Responsible organisation

Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja (MZO)
Ministry of Science and Education (MOSE)
Donje Svetice 38
10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 4569 000
Fax: +385 1 4594 301

Link(s): Croatian, English

Additional information:

The Act of July 2003 stipulated that Diploma Supplement (Dopunska isprava o studiju) shall be issued by all higher education institutions. The Regulation on the Content of Diplomas and Additional Documents on Studies adopted in December 2004 determines the content of the Diploma Supplement and stipulates that it will be issued to students entering higher education in 2005/06 academic year, upon their graduation. Some higher education institutions have already been issuing Diploma Supplement at the request of students graduating before 2006, in English and in return for payment. With amendments to the Regulation on the Content of Diplomas and Additional Documents on Studies, adopted at the end of 2006, the Diploma Supplement will be issued automatically upon graduation, free of charge and in a widely spoken European language.

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Instructions for Issuing Diploma Supplements

Link(s): Croatian
Information about Diploma Supplement (Dopunska isprava o studiju)

Link(s): Croatian
Chart - Levels of Higher Education Studies in Croatia

Link(s): Croatian

Croatian education system

Link(s): English
Q-Entry: Croatian entry qualifications

Link(s): English
The admission system in Croatia

Link(s): English

Agencija za strukovno obrazovanje i obrazovanje odraslih
Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE)

Link(s): Croatian, English

Digital Diploma Register
For verification of older higher education qualifications or higher education qualifications which have not been entered in Digital Diploma Register, please contact the issuing HEI.

Link(s): English