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National Information Centres

Opetushallitus/Utbildningsstyrelsen [ENIC-NARIC Finland]
Finnish National Agency for Education [ENIC-NARIC Finland]

P.O. Box 380
FI-00531 Helsinki

Phone: +358 29 533 1000
Fax: +358 29 533 1035
Head of Centre: Mr. Joonas Mäkinen, Counsellor of Education

Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö/Undervisnings- och kulturministeriet
Ministry of Education and Culture

Link(s): English, Swedish, Finnish
Kansallinen koulutuksen arviointikeskus (KARVI)
The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC)
The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) is an independent government agency responsible for the national evaluation of education.
The evaluations of FINEEC cover the education system in its entirety, from early childhood education to higher education.

Link(s): English, Swedish, Finnish

Finnish National Agency for Education: Overview of the Education System

Link(s): English
Ministry of Education and Culture

Link(s): Swedish, Finnish, English

Finnish National Agency for Education: Overview of the Education System

Link(s): English
Ministry of Education: University Education in Finland

Link(s): Swedish, Finnish, English
Studying in Finland

Link(s): English

Ministry of Education and Culture: List of recognised higher education institutions in Finland
Universities of Applied Sciences

Link(s): Swedish, Finnish, English
Ministry of Education and Culture: List of recognised higher education institutions in Finland

Link(s): Swedish, Finnish, English


Link(s): English, Swedish, Finnish


Report on the referencing of the Finnish National Qualifications Framework to EQF and QF-EHEA

Link(s): English

The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC)

The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) is an independent government agency responsible for the evaluation of education. It carries out evaluations related to education including the operations of education providers from early childhood education to higher education. FINEEC comprises an Evaluation Council, a Higher Education Evaluation Committee and units for the evaluation of general education, vocational education and training (VET) and higher education.

Link(s): English, Swedish, Finnish

Recognition and International Comparability of Qualifications

Opetushallitus/Utbildningsstyrelsen recognizes the eligibility that foreign qualifications give for civil service posts and positions in Finland. It is the Finnish contact point for international information networks such as the ENIC/NARIC. It is also the National Europass Centre of Finland providing information on the Diploma Supplement and the Certificate Supplement, for example.

Link(s): English, Swedish, Finnish

Responsible organisation

P.O. Box 380
00531 Helsinki
Link(s): English

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Process of Implementation of the Diploma Supplement

The Finnish Government Decree on University Degrees (794/2004) and for Polytechnic Degrees (497/2004) obliges the higher education institutions to issue a Diploma Supplement intended for international use to a person who has completed a degree. All higher education institutions issue a Diploma Supplement automatically, in English and free of charge to their graduates.

Link(s): English, Swedish, Finnish
The Education System of Finland, Description of the National Higher Education System
The description of the higher education system for the Diploma Supplements' point 8. has been prepared by the Finnish National Agency for Education and approved by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The description can be found from the website.

Link(s): English

The Finnish Matriculation Examination gives general eligibility for higher education. General eligibility is also given by upper secondary vocational qualifications, further vocational qualifications and specialist vocational qualifications. Foreign qualifications which in the awarding country give eligibility for higher education studies, give general eligibility for higher education also in Finland.

Ministry of Education and Culture

Link(s): Swedish, Finnish, English
Finnish National Agency for Education: Overview of the Education System

Link(s): English, Swedish, Finnish

In Finland refugees may apply for the recognition of their qualifications for purposes of work or further studies similarly to other applicants that have gained their qualifications abroad.

For verification inquiries of Finnish qualifications, please reach out directly to the concerned educational institution.