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National Information Centres

Quality and Qualifications Ireland (Dearbhú Cáilíochta agus Cáilíochtaí Éireann)
NARIC Ireland at Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)

26-27 Denzille Lane
D02 P266

Phone: +353 1 905 8100
Head of Centre: Andrina Wafer, NARIC Ireland

Department of Education (An Roinn Oideachais)
An Roinn Oideachais

Link(s): English, Irish
Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (An Roinn Breisoideachais agus Ardoideachais, Taighe, Nualaiochta agus Eolaiochta)

Link(s): English, Irish

Education System in Ireland

Education is compulsory for children in Ireland from the ages of six to sixteen or until students have completed three years of second-level education.
The Irish education system is made up of:

• Educational provision for students with special educational needs
• Provision for disadvantaged students

State-funded education is available at all levels, unless you choose to send your child to a private institution - Education (

Link(s): English

Universities in Ireland

Dublin City University

Maynooth University (NUIM)

Munster Technological University

National University of Ireland, Galway

RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences

Technological University Dublin

Technological University of the Shannon

Trinity College, Dublin

University College Cork, Cork

University College Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4

Atlantic Technological University

South East Technological University

University of Limerick, Limerick

Technological University
Technological University of Dublin established 1/1/19 with the merger of the Dublin Institute of Technology, the Institute of Technology Blanchardstown and the Institute of Technology Tallaght.

Munster Technological University was established 1/1/21 with the merger of Cork Institute of Technology and Institute of Technology Tralee.

Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest was established 1/10/21 with the merger of Athlone Institute of Technology and Limerick Institute of Technology.

Atlantic Technological University at Donegal, Mayo/Galway and Sligo is one of Ireland’s newest technological universities combining GMIT, LYIT and IT Sligo  - Atlantic Technological University (ATU) was formally established on 1/04/22.

South East Technological University The South East Technological University (SETU) is a public technological university located in the South East region of Ireland and was formed from the amalgamation of two existing institutes of technology in the region - Waterford IT and IT Carlow. It was formally established on 1/05/22.

Technological University

Technological University of Dublin established 1/1/19 with the merger of the Dublin Institute of Technology, the Institute of Technology Blanchardstown and the Institute of Technology Tallaght.

Munster Technological University was established 1/1/21 with the merger of Cork Institute of Technology and Institute of Technology Tralee.

Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest was established  1/10/21 with the merger of Athlone Institute of Technology and Limerick Institute of Technology.

Atlantic Technological University at Donegal, Mayo/Galway and Sligo is one of Ireland’s newest technological universities combining GMIT, LYIT and IT Sligo - Atlantic Technological University (ATU) was formally established on 1/04/22.

South East Technological University The South East Technological University (SETU) is a public technological university located in the South East region of Ireland and was formed from the amalgamation of two existing institutes of technology in the region - Waterford IT and IT Carlow. It was formally established on 1/05/22.

Institutes of Technology
Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Dun Laoghaire

Dundalk Institute of Technology

*Dublin Institute of Technology

*Athlone Institute of Technology

*Cork Institute of Technology

Dundalk Institute of Technology

*Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology

*Institute of Technology, Blanchardstown

*Institute of Technology, Carlow

*Institute of Technology, Sligo

*Institute of Technology, Tallaght

*Institute of Technology, Tralee

*Letterkenny Institute of Technology

*Limerick Institute of Technology

*Limerick Institute of Technology Tipperary
TUS | About (

*Waterford Institute of Technology

* Previously - Institute of Technology
National University of Ireland Recognised Colleges
Institute of Public Administration

Milltown Institute of Theology & Philosophy

National College of Art and Design

Royal College of Surgeons Ireland

Shannon College of Hotel Management
Shannon College of Hotel Management - NUI Galway
Colleges of Education
Froebel College of Education

Coláiste Mhuire, Marino Institute of Education

St. Angela’s College
St Angela's College - ATU

St. Patrick’s College of Education 

Mary Immaculate College

Mater Dei Institute
Other State-Aided Institutions
Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies

Garda College

Military College

National College of Ireland

Pontifical University of Maynooth

Royal Irish Academy of Music

St Patrick’s, Carlow College
Other State-Aided Institutions
Honorable Society of Kings Inn

Law Society of Ireland
Privately funded higher education colleges
Privately funded higher education colleges offering validated programmes leading to awards of Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) can be identified using this link:
Irish Register of Qualifications


National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ)
National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) -Interactive Fan Diagram
National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ)
National Framework of Qualifications (NQF) – Policies and Standards relating to the NFQ, and how the Framework is aligned to other qualifications frameworks internationally
National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ)

Referencing to the European Qualifications Framework and Self-Certification of Compatibility with the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area.


The Irish National Framework of Qualifications

Referencing to the European Qualifications Framework and Self-Certification of Compatibility with the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area.

Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)

QQI is the state agency with responsibility for quality assurance of education and training of further and higher education and training providers in the state in the context of post-school provision.

Link(s): English, Irish
Irish Register of Qualifications (IRQ)
The Irish Register of Qualifications (IRQ) lists quality-assured, recognised qualifications offered by universities, technological universities, institutes of technology, private HE colleges, education and training boards, and private FE providers delivering courses leading to QQI Awards.

The Register is managed by QQI in association with the providing institutions. The register will allow domestic and international authorities to confirm which qualifications are on the NFQ, which courses lead to these qualifications and the associated awarding body.

Link(s): English
Mid-term Report Card on Higher Education Quality Assurance Ireland
A key function for QQI is to organise and oversee independent quality reviews of each of Ireland’s public higher education institutions. QQI is currently mid-way through the current review cycle, CINNTE, which runs from 2017 to 2023.

An independent mid-cycle review commissioned by QQI has found that all seven institutions reviewed between 2018 and 2020 have established and implemented quality assurance (QA) arrangements based on effective governance structures.

QQI Policy and Criteria for the Academic Recognition of Foreign Qualifications
QQI Policy and Criteria for the Academic Recognition of Foreign Qualifications
NARIC Ireland offers advice on the academic recognition of foreign qualifications in Ireland

Holders of a foreign qualification who wish to have it recognised in Ireland, or if you have been presented with a foreign qualification and wish to understand it in the context of the Irish qualifications system, you can refer to the NARIC Ireland Foreign Qualifications Database here.

Statements for hundreds of qualifications from many countries can be downloaded from our database at your convenience. These comparability statements are designed to help individuals understand their qualification in the context of the Irish education system and may help employers, institutions and other bodies with recognition decisions.

The comparability statement offers advice including a comparable award and level on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) and a description of the learning outcomes associated with the given level on the NFQ.

Guides to using the database in a number of languages can be viewed here.

If a particular qualification is not included in the NARIC Ireland database, a query can be submitted using this link NARIC Award Queries
It can take up to 12 weeks for us to respond to a query, although where possible, we will respond sooner. Once a decision has been reached, an email will be sent with a response to the query including a link to the database, where relevant.

There are a number of regulated professions in Ireland. Anyone wishing to practice in one of these professions, should contact the relevant authority.

A list of Professional Bodies and a list of Registration bodies for certain employments - DETE (

Recognition advice provided by NARIC Ireland does not represent right of access to employment, a regulated profession or education and training. Recognition decisions for the purposes of accessing further education and/or employment are made by education institutions, professional recognition bodies and employers.

Criteria for Recognition. Our research work and our advice is informed by criteria related to the education and training and qualifications systems of the country of origin and specific details of the relevant foreign qualification

Responsible organisation

Quality and Qualifications Ireland
Údarás na hÉireann um Cháilíochtaí agus Dearbhú Cáilíochta
26-27 Denzille Lane, D02 P266, Ireland
Phone: 00353 1 9058100

Link(s): English
National Europass Centre
Quality and Qualifications Ireland
26-27 Denzille Lane
D02 P266
Phone: 0035319058100
Link(s): English

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Diploma Supplement Information

The Diploma Supplement  are issued by higher education institutions and offers helpful information on higher education qualifications such as grades, achievements, and institutions in a standard format. There are also Guidelines for Completion of the Diploma Supplement.

A Diploma Supplement can be requested for free from the Higher Education institution where you studied. A list of Higher Education Institutions can be found on the Irish Register of Qualifications.

Irish Leaving Certificate
The State Examinations Commission is a non-departmental public body under the aegis of the Department of Education responsible for the development, assessment, accreditation and certification of the second-level examinations of the Irish state: the Junior Cycle/Certificate and the Leaving Certificate.
Information on the conduct of the State Examinations is available from the SEC: Examination Information - State Examination Commission ( Information on specific curricular adaptations for 2024/’25 are outlined EN-EX-66329338.pdf (
Applications for almost all full-time third-level education undergraduate courses is through the Central Applications Office (CAO)
Higher Education Links Scheme (HELS)
The Higher Education Links Scheme (HELS) gives learners the opportunity to use their QQI Level 5 or Level 6 major award to apply, through the Central Applications Office (CAO), for a place in the first year of a higher education programme. Points are allocated based on component/module grades, weighted by the component/module credit values.

Information Sheet - 2002-2024 QQI FET Applicants
Entry requirements for EU/EFTA/UK Applicants
Entry requirements criteria for EU/EFTA/UK Applicants (other than Irish Leaving Certificate) via CAO - Draft 1 ( for access to undergraduate Degree Programmes.
Mature Applicants
Normally mature applicants should be 23 years old on or before 1st January 2025 (i.e. born on or before 1st January 2002) for admission in Autumn 2025 and must apply by 1st February 2025. However, some HEIs may have a different age requirement, different definitions of mature applicants, etc., and some will consider applications received after 1st February 2025. Further information can be viewed here.
Disability Access Routes
DARE is a third level alternative admissions scheme for school-leavers under the age of 23, whose disabilities have had a negative impact on their second level education. 

The Higher Education Access Route (HEAR) is a higher education admissions scheme for Leaving Certificate students (under 23) whose economic or social background are underrepresented in higher education.

AHEAD is an independent non-profit organisation working AHEAD working with and for disabled people to shape inclusive and empowering environments in tertiary education and employment.

Further Education and Training Ireland

Further Education covers education and training which occurs after second level schooling but which is not part of the third level system. The providers of Further and Adult Education and Training include a wide variety of schools, organisations and institutions (public and private), who are involved in the delivery of continuing education and training for young school leavers, job seekers, the employed and adults returning to education.

For awards recognised on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), view the Irish Register of Qualifications.

Organisational Restructuring
• The Education and Training Boards Act 2013 was passed in 2013 and  provided for the dissolution of Vocational Education Committees (VECs) and established the 16 Education and Training Boards (ETBs) involving the merger of some of the 33 existing VECs.

• The Further Education and Training Act 2013 was signed into law in July 2013. The Act provides for the establishment of SOLAS and the dissolution of FÁS. The legislation also provides for the gradual transfer of FÁS training centres and training staff to the newly formed Education and Training Boards.

Establishment of ETBs
• Arising from the commencement of the Education and Training Boards Act, the 16 ETBs were established on 1st July 2013. 
• Upon establishment, the ETBs had responsibility for the delivery of primary, post primary and further education in line with their predecessor VECs.  The transfer of former FÁS training functions would occur on a phased basis.

Link(s): English
Establishment of SOLAS
SOLAS was established on 27 October 2013, bringing about the dissolution of FÁS. SOLAS will work with the ETBs to support the development of appropriate further education and training programmes and curricula and the sourcing of further education and training interventions from the private, public and not for profit sector.

Link(s): English, Irish
National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ)
Certification in the Further and Higher Education and Training Sector is usually in alignment with the National Framework of Qualifications – an awards framework of 10 levels which is aligned to the European Framework of Qualifications.

Link(s): English
Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI)
A state agency of the Department of Education and Skills quality assures institutions of further and higher education and training, validates educational programmes and makes awards to learners.

Link(s): English, Irish
Institutions Providing Adult Education and Training
The main providers of further and adult education and training are the Education and Training Boards (ETBs).

Full-Time Programmes in Further Education

• Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) Courses and apprenticeship
• Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS)                                     
• Youthreach

Part-Time Programmes in Further Education

• Back To Education Initiative (BTEI)                                                          
• Adult Literacy                                                                             
• Community Education

Link(s): English

NARIC Ireland

The qualifications database website lists more than 1800 qualifications and an individual regardless of their status can access a Comparability Statement for their academic qualifications free of charge from the relevant pages.

This Comparability Statement compares the foreign qualification to an award type and level on the Irish national framework of qualifications. An employer or higher education institution can review this information in the context of their requirements.

We have developed a user-guide in a number of languages for understanding the information contained in the comparability statements.

Link(s): English, Irish, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese, Russian

Verification of QQI Awards

A verification service is available for QQI awards and for the legacy awards of HETAC (Higher Education and Training Awards Council), FETAC (Further Education and Training Awards Council), NCEA (National Council for Educational Awards) or NCVA (National Council for Vocational Awards) for a nominal fee.
Verification for an evaluation service | Quality and Qualifications Ireland (
Verification of awards made by Universities, Technological Universities and Institutes of Technology

Universities, Technological Universities and Institutes of Technology make higher education awards at Levels 6-10. The Universities and Technological Universities have autonomous awarding powers and are responsible for the design, development and awarding of qualifications. Institutes of Technology have autonomous awarding powers at Levels 6-9, and are responsible for the design, development and awarding of qualifications. Each of these higher education institutions offer a verification service, details of which can be found by contacting the individual institution.