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National Information Centres

Innowasiýa maglumat merkezi Milli maglumat merkezleriniň wezipelerini amala aşyrýan ygtyýarly edara
Innovation information center It is an authorized body that performs the functions of national information centers

Turkmenistan, Ashgabat city, Bagtyyarlyk district, Makhtumkuli street, 136 h. 
City zipcode-744000

Phone: Tel: +99365-50-31-84, +99312-36-19-25/26
Fax: +99312-36-19-25
Head of Centre: Mr. Hanmuhammedov Chary Gurbangeldiyevich

On November 20, 2022, the esteemed President of Turkmenistan signed the law on accession to the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region. Besides, in the Revival of the new era of the powerful state, with the purpose of the improvement  of the provision of our country with the personnel having vocational and higher education, improvement of the recognition of the documents on the higher and vocational education issued by the foreign countries in Turkmenistan and fulfillment of  the obligations proceeding from the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, on March 28, 2023 by the Order of the President of Turkmenistan the Innovation Information Center of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan was determined as an authorized institution that performs the functions of the national information centers specified in the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region.

System of Education
The classification of levels of education in Turkmenistan is based on the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education and is carried out in accordance with the content of educational programmes, based on their complexity, acquired knowledge and skills, established requirements for previous educational programmes, conditions of organization and methods of providing educational services.

2. According to general educational programmes, the following levels of education are established:

1) level of preschool education;

2) levels of general secondary education:

a) primary education;

b) basic secondary education;

c) complete secondary education.

3. The following levels of education are established for professional educational programmes:

1) level of vocational education;

2) level of secondary vocational education;

3) levels of higher professional education:

a) specialist programme;

b) bachelor’s programme;

c) master’s programme;

4) level of post-graduate professional education.

University Education
Higher professional education
The areas of training and specialties in educational programmes of higher professional education are determined by the State Classifier of Directions of Training and Specialties of higher professional education of Turkmenistan or the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

13. The standard term for mastering educational programmes of higher professional education is for full-time education:

1) bachelor's programme - four academic years;

2) master's programme - from one to two academic years;

3) specialist's programme - from five to six academic years.

The specific period of study for full-and-part-time and part-time forms of study is determined by the curriculum of the relevant area of training (speciality).

14. Obtaining higher professional education is certified by a document on education with the assignment of the following qualifications:

1) bachelor's degree indicating the direction of training (bachelor's programme);

2) a master's degree indicating the direction of training (master's programme);

3) a specialist with an indication of the speciality (specialist’s programme).

15. Graduates of higher educational institutions are sent to work in accordance with the Regulations on the placement of graduates of institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

16. Documents on higher professional education with the qualifications of a specialist and a master's degree allow their holders to continue their studies in educational programmes of postgraduate professional education.

A document on higher professional education with a bachelor's degree qualification allows its holders to continue their studies in a master's programme.
Postgraduate professional education

1. Postgraduate professional education includes:

1) training of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel as the highest level of the continuous education system in Turkmenistan;

2) training of highly qualified medical specialists in internship and (or) clinical residency programmes.

2. Postgraduate professional education is carried out in availability of higher professional education (master's degree, specialist's degree).

3. Postgraduate professional education for the preparation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification can be obtained in institutions of higher professional education and scientific organizations, as well as through competition.

4. Postgraduate professional education for the training of highly qualified medical specialists in internship and (or) clinical residency programmes can be obtained in educational institutions and scientific organizations engaged in medical or pharmaceutical works; in medical institutions with structural units of educational institutions and scientific organizations of medical profile, as well as in organizations engaged in the production of medicines, production and manufacture of medical devices, pharmacy and other organizations operating in the field of protecting the health of citizens of Turkmenistan.

Passage of internship and (or) clinical residency programmes is carried out for graduates of a higher educational institution of a medical profile who studied on a budgetary basis - at the expense of the State Budget of Turkmenistan, and who studied on a paid basis - at their own expense.

5. Issues of postgraduate professional education are regulated by the legislation of Turkmenistan.
Here is the link of classification of education

Information on the accredited education institutions, are available on the official website of

Link(s): Turkmen, English, Russian


The National Qualifications Framework of Turkmenistan consists from levels, which corresponds to the European Qualifications Framework and educational cycles. The proposed levels are described in the form of the Law of Turkmenistan on Education (new edition), (June 5-th, in 2021).


1. Educational institutions operate in accordance with the uniform requirements for the implementation of educational activities, determined by state educational standards.

In order to comply with these requirements, educational institutions go through the procedures for licensing activities in the field of education and professional training, state control of the quality of education and state accreditation of educational activities.

2. State educational institutions, in accordance with the Laws of Turkmenistan "On Enterprises" and "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities", carry out activities in the field of education and professional training without a license.

Educational institutions of non-state form of ownership have the right to conduct educational activities under the license, which is issued in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan on licensing activities in the field of education and professional training.

3. State control of the quality of education is carried out by the authorized executive body in the field of education through the state final certification of graduates, certification of teaching staff and management personnel, certification of the educational institution itself, as well as scheduled and unscheduled inspections of the content and quality of training of students, their compliance with those educational programmes implemented in educational institutions.

4. State accreditation of educational activities confirms the status of an educational institution (with the exception of a preschool institution), as well as the compliance of the content and quality of training of students with state educational standards and is carried out by the authorized executive body in the field of education.

State accreditation of the educational activities of state educational institutions is carried out on their initiative and on the basis of their applications.

State accreditation of the educational activities of educational institutions of non-state ownership is mandatory and gives them the right to issue their graduates with a state-recognized document on the corresponding education.

5. Issues of licensing activities in the field of education and professional training, state control of the quality of education, state accreditation of educational activities are regulated by regulatory legal acts approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

6. Information about the educational institution is placed in the national segment of the Internet.

The structure of the recognition process
The organization of the recognition procedure is conducted on the basis of the “Instructions for the application of the Order of the recognition in Turkmenistan of the documents on the higher and vocational education issued in the foreign countries” approved by the order No. 80 of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan on March 29, 2019  (with amendments and additions made on the basis of the orders of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan No. 46 on February 27, 2021 and No. 20 on January 25, 2023 registered by the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan with the registration number 1450 on March 1, 2021 and number 1685 on February 1, 2023.

Organization of the recognition procedure

Activity of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan regarding the recognition of the Documents issued by the higher and vocational educational establishments of the foreign countries:

1) creation of the working commission for the recognition in the territory of Turkmenistan of the Documents issued in the foreign countries;

2) organization of the procedure for the acceptance (registration) of the documents in accordance with the chapter III of this Instruction “The list of the necessary documents for the recognition”;

3) involvement of the responsible representatives of the higher educational establishments to accept documents related to the recognition;

4) sending the accepted documents to the appropriate higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan for the consideration in accordance with the fifth part of this Instruction for the preparation of the conclusion and conducting the State examinations;

5) consideration of the conclusions of the working commissions of the higher and vocational educational establishments of Turkmenistan on the recognition of the Documents issued in the foreign countries and making decision on the results of the state examinations;

6) issue of the order on the recognition of the Documents issued in the foreign countries and sending the Certificate on the recognition of the document on education issued in the foreign countries (hereinafter – Certificate on the recognition, enclosure to this Instruction) to the appropriate higher and vocational educational establishments for completion, confirmation by the signature of the completed Certificate on the recognition;

7) issue of the Certificate on the recognition;

8) together with the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan, taking into account the peculiarities of the specialty “jurisprudence”, drawing up and approval of the curriculum, which includes 3-month paid courses for the recognition in Turkmenistan of the documents on the higher education issued to the citizens of Turkmenistan in the direction of “jurisprudence” in the foreign countries;

9) Creation of the State Examination Commission from the representatives of the Supreme Court of Turkmenistan, the General Prosecutor's Office of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of National Security of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Turkmenistan, Magtymguly Turkmen State University, the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, the International University for the Humanities and Development to take exams from the citizens of Turkmenistan who have applied for the recognition in Turkmenistan of the documents on the higher education issued in the direction of “jurisprudence” in  the foreign countries, submitting a proposal to approve the composition of this commission in the established order for the consideration by the relevant Deputies of the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Turkmenistan;

10) sending a list of the citizens whose documents were recognized to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Turkmenistan for posting on the official portal “Job Placement”;

11) posting information on the schedule of courses and the procedure for the recognition of the documents on the official website of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan in the Internet.

Activity of the higher and vocational educational establishments in the field of the recognition of the Documents issued by the higher and vocational educational establishments of the foreign countries:

1) creation of  the working commission for carrying out activities for the recognition in the territory of Turkmenistan of the Documents issued in the foreign countries;

2) appointment of the responsible representatives for the acceptance (registration) of the documents in accordance with Chapter III of this Instruction “The list of the necessary documents for the recognition”;

3) verification of the documents for compliance with the requirements of the fifth part of this Instruction;

4) consideration of the compliance of the educational programs of the foreign countries with the requirements for knowledge in the specialty or area of ​​training, as well as for each profession;

By studying the list of learned disciplines, the number of academic hours allocated to them, practice, etc., according to the related area of ​​​​training (specialty) in terms of the content of education with the participation of appropriate representatives from the industry (specialists, scientists, professors and teachers), the working commission decides on the issue of the recognition in the territory Turkmenistan the Document received after graduating from the educational establishment of the foreign country by a person who studied in specialties (areas of training), training for which is not conducted in the vocational educational establishment of Turkmenistan, or who changed his/her specialty (area of training) during his studies. Certain issues that arise during the recognition procedure may be considered by the academic council (pedagogical or methodological council) of the educational establishment;

5) calculation of the number of the academic hours specified in the enclosure to the Document in the form of credits (accounting unit) of the teaching load, according to the credit system used in the higher educational establishments of Turkmenistan;

6) preparation and sending to the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan the conclusion with a proposal on the level of education in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan and received specialty (area of training);

7) with the aim of the compensation for the difference in the national module of the educational program, to organize consultations, as well as, if necessary, additional paid courses in the specialty (area of training) for a period of not more than one year, taking into account the characteristics of some specialties.

8) conducting the State examination of Turkmenistan on the social disciplines;

9) conducting State examinations in the disciplines corresponding to the received specialty (area of training);

) verification of computer literacy, e-learning skills and distance educational technologies of the holder of the Document obtained on the basis of e-learning through distance educational technologies in connection with an emergency after admission to the educational establishment of the foreign country;

10) sending information on the results of the State examinations to the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan in the established form;

11) informing the holder of the Document of the relevant ministries or sectoral institutions about the results of consideration of the issue of the recognition of the Documents and execution of the Certificate on the Recognition (filling in the Certificate on the Recognition of the document on education issued in the foreign country).

The higher and vocational educational establishments are responsible for the conformity of the accepted documents with the requirements of the Instruction, for their completeness and reliability.

Responsible organisation

Information on DS (legislation, template, chart, etc)

Persons who have completed:
- general secondary education (document of education - certificate of full secondary education, carried out in secondary schools);
- technical and vocational education (education document – diploma of secondary technical and vocational education college graduates (technical school, college);
- post-secondary education (certificate of education – diploma of applied bachelor's degree)

Vocational education can be obtained in the educational departments of enterprises, institutions and organizations of a non-educational profile, in general educational institutions, institutions of vocational (elementary vocational school, lyceum and other types), secondary vocational and higher vocational education, carrying out educational works in accordance with the present Law and the legislation of Turkmenistan on licensing certain types of works, as well as in the order of individual training from specialists with the appropriate qualifications and licenses.

5. Training in educational programmes of primary vocational education is carried out in the presence of at least general secondary education.

6. Curriculum for educational programmes of vocational education is approved by the authorized executive body in the field of education.

Training in the educational programmes of vocational ­education is carried out both in full-time and part-time forms of education.

7. General educational institutions at the level of complete secondary education provide training for students in vocational training.

The list of educational programmes for vocational training is consistent with the local executive authorities in whose areas general educational institutions are located.

Local executive authorities provide organizational and production conditions for training students in educational programmes for vocational training.

8. Obtaining a vocational education is certified by an appropriate document, which allows its owner, according to the qualifications assigned, to apply for the performance of the relevant professional activity (work, group of works).

In November 20, 2022 was recieved the decision by the President of Turkmenistan "On accession to the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education in the European Region The Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education in the European Region, adopted at Lisbon on 11 April 1997, is attached."

Verification services
Please reach out directly to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, to the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan for verification inquiries as our National Information center is not mandated to offer verification services”),