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Recognition Tools and Projects

ENICs and NARICs have developed tools and projects to facilitate recognition, foster mobility and enhance internationalisation of higher education.

The following is a list of tools that can help credential evaluators in their daily work. If a tool was developed in the framework of a project, you can see it linked at the bottom. The searching box at the top left of the page  allows for an easier search of tools, projects or topics.



  • STREAM | AR-Net - Automatic Recognition in the Networks
    In the AR-Net project, STREAM has been developed for admissions officers working in Higher Education Institutions in the European Higher Education Area. It provides concise training materials, based on the EAR-HEI manual, including many examples and exercises from daily recognition practice.
    See Project

Matching tools

Reports and guidelines

  • Standards & Guidelines: A Quality Assurance System based on Peer Reviews for the ENIC-NARIC Networks | SQUARE - System of Quality Assurance for the Recognition Networks
    The Protocol describes the quality assurance system developed within the EU co-funded SQUARE project and adopted by the ENIC-NARIC networks. This tool is primarily designed to benefit your ENIC-NARIC centre, to improve centres' practice following the international criteria of the Lisbon Recognition Convention and taking into account a centre’s specific mandate. This document explains how to complete the self-evaluation and the peer review.
    See Project
  • The Changing Role of NARICs – Stakeholder Perspective. Final Report | Charona II - The Changing Role of NARICs
    The final report of the EU co-funded project The Changing Role of NARICs, analyses how the ENIC-NARIC role has changed over the years from the viewpoint of almost 4000 international stakeholders related to recognition.
    See Project


  • Automatic Recognition Database - Italia (ARDI)
    The Automatic Recognition Database - Italia (ARDI) describes the main academic qualifications and final secondary school qualifications of the Countries that are signatories to the Lisbon Recognition Convention and provides a comparative opinion on their correspondence with Italian qualifications, as well as specific evaluative notes for each type of qualification in line with the typical elements of the foreign reference system.
  • NAWA Kwalifikator
    The Kwalifikator is a tool that automatically generates a general Recognition Statement concerning recognition of a given type of higher education degrees obtained abroad.
  • Qualifications Assessment Tool
    The Qualification Assessment Tool compares a given foreign qualification to the correspondant in Sweden.
  • ANABIN Database
    Anabin provides information on the evaluation of foreign educational certificates and supports authorities, employers and employees as well as private individuals in classifying a foreign qualification in the German educational system.
  • International Qualifications Database
    The searchable Foreign Qualifications Database of the NARIC has over 1700 qualifications from more than 160 countries and allows to download a comparability statement that compares an academic qualification to an Irish qualification of a similar major award type and level on the Irish National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ), where possible.
    See Project
  • University systems database | INTER-HED - The Internationalisation of Higher Education: an on-line training course for Erasmus Mundus Administrators
    The University systems database developed by CIMEA is a useful tool for obtaining information on the different elements of a foreign higher education system for all those bodies that deal with the evaluation of foreign qualifications in Italy.
    See Project
  • Country Modules
    The database covers 100 countries' education systems and qualifications to which Dutch diplomas can be compared.
    See Project
  • Information System on Pre-Bologna Academic Qualifications
    The ISOBAQ database, developed under the co-funded by the Erasmus+ project, contains information on Pre-Bologna Academic Qualifications, with the aim of improving recognition procedures by sharing information. It is accessible by the 55 centres of the ENIC/NARIC Network.
    See Project
  • CIMEA MAGNA CUM LAUDE: A worldwide database of University Grading Systems
    The University Grading Systems database mainly focuses on third countries as a response to their increasing involvement in international programmes. This tool serves as a quick reference to gather information on grading scales in use worldwide, with the purpose to facilitate credential assessment and comparability.



  • ONREQ22-24 - NARIC Online training course 2022-24