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Standards & Guidelines: A Quality Assurance System based on Peer Reviews for the ENIC-NARIC Networks

The peer review concept with Standards & Guidelines for improving the recognition procedures of the ENIC-NARIC centers has been developed as a quality assurance instrument since 2012 for the ENIC-NARIC networks and is based on the criteria of the Lisbon Recognition Convention (LRC). Individual ENIC-NARIC centres can use it on a fully voluntary basis to review and improve their practices towards compliance with the LRC, in areas they themselves find most fitting.

The instrument consists of 6 Standards & Guidelines, and a protocol for conducting a self-evaluation (including SWOT) and an external peer review by two other ENIC-NARIC centres. The self-evaluation and a peer review have a formative approach focused on continuous improvement in areas chosen by the centre under review. An external peer review is recommended every 5 years or in case of major changes to the centre.

The “Standards & Guidelines” for the networks were developed over the last years by a large group of ENIC-NARICs and quality assurance experts, with co-funding from the European Commission (EARN, SQUARE, IMPACT, AR-NET, TST and TST2 projects). More than half of the ENIC-NARIC centers have already participated in these projects. An Overview of the Typology of ENIC-NARICs has been drafted in the SQUARE project and updated by the TST2 project to compare centres. The Standards & Guidelines were adopted by the centres of the ENIC-NARIC networks during their Annual Joint Meeting 2019 in Cologne.


A round of peer reviews took place in 2024 with the following centres involved:

Centre under review reviewed by
Bosnia & Herzegovina Netherlands, Türkiye
Canada Netherlands, Italy (expert), Italy (observer)
Georgia Bosnia & Herzegovina, Latvia
Latvia Bosnia & Herzegovina, Georgia, Italy (expert)
Malta Canada, Latvia
Netherlands Georgia, Malta

In the last round in 2022, six peer reviews have been carried out on site based on the following carrousel:

Centre under review reviewed by
Bosnia & Herzegovina Italy, Lithuania
Italy Denmark, Ireland (observer status), Turkey
Lithuania Moldova, Sweden
Moldova Bosnia & Herzegovina, Netherlands
Sweden Lithuania, Turkey
Turkey Bosnia & Herzegovina, Moldova

 Initially, Ukraine was participating in the project, but unfortunately had to withdraw from this round.


For undertaking the self-evaluation and peer review, please use the following documents:

For more information, contact Jenneke Lokhoff (