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Upper Secondary School Examinations in times of COVID-19

The ENIC-Bureau and NARIC Advisory Board being committed to tackle the challenges that the Networks face due to COVID-19 virus, have identified priorities and set goals in their Workplan to support and facilitate recognition in this period of COVID-19.

These are:

  1. Information disclosure and sharing on COVID-19 measures to support recognition
  2. Support fair recognition of 'disrupted learning' due to COVID-19
  3. Organize dialogue and peer support
  4. Monitoring
  5. Transparency of actions

Within the framework of the first goal, one of the actions has been to provide an overview of measures taken in regard to upper secondary school examinations, certification, access to higher education and related matters taken by governments due to COVID-19.

2020: Situation of upper secondary school leaving qualifications due to the Covid-19*

2021: Situation of upper secondary school leaving qualifications due to the Covid-19**

2022: Situation of upper secondary school leaving qualifications due to the Covid-19**

We hope that providing access to this data will serve the purpose of this effort which is to facilitate the admission process to Higher Education.

* The file for 2020 is a compilation of information gathered by the Danish ENIC-NARIC centre built to its current form by EB/NAB members after receiving the explicit approval from all interested ENIC-NARIC offices on making any collected information from their national education system publicly accessible on this new webpage created for this purpose.
** The files for 2021 and 2022 are a compilation of information gathered by the EB/NAB after receiving the explicit approval from all interested ENIC-NARIC offices on making any collected information from their national education system publicly accessible on this webpage created for this purpose.